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Voldtægt efter 2013 (meta)
Incest, etc.
Incest, children under 15
Other kind of incest
Incest between siblings, children under 15
Any other kind of incest between siblings
Incest, sexual act (other than intercourse) with children under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
Incest, sexual act (other than intercourse) between siblings (Repealed in 2013)
Any other kind of incest, sexual act other than intercourse (Repealed in 2013)
Incest, sexual act (other than intercourse) with children under 15 (New from 2013)
Incest, sexual act (other than intercourse) between siblings (New from 2013)
Any other kind of incest, sexual act other than intercourse (New from 2013)
Intercourse with foster child/stepchild (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) with a foster child/stepchild (Repealed in 2013)
Indecent exposure of foster child/step child etc.
Intercourse with a foster child/stepchild (New from 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) with a foster child/stepchild (New from in 2013)
Sexual act other than intercourse with foster child/step child
Rape, etc., total
Rape (Repealed in 2013)
Intercourse by illegal coercion (Repealed in 2013)
Intercourse by false pretences (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by violence (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by unlawful coercion (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by false pretences (Repealed in 2013)
Rape by use of violence or threat of violence (New from 2013)
Rape by unlawful coercion other than violence or threat of violence (New from 2013)
Rape by misrepresentation
Intercourse by false pretences (New from 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by violence or threat of violence (New from in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by unlawful coercion (New from 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by false pretences (New from 2013)
Sexual act other than intercourse
Sexual act other than intercourse by misrepresentation
Heterosexual offence against a child under 12, total (Repealed in 2013)
Intercourse with a child under 12, aggravating circumstances (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) with a child under 12 (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual offence against a child under 12, total (New from 2013)
Rape of a child under 12 (New from 2013)
Sexual acts other than intercourse with a child under 12 (New from 2013)
Sexual act other than intercourse with a child under 12 years
Any other kind of heterosexual offence, total (Repealed in 2013)
Intercourse by exploitation of mental abnormality (Repealed in 2013)
Intercourse by exploitation of incapacitated state (Repealed in 2013)
Intercourse with inmate in institution (Repealed in 2013)
Intercourse by abuse of dependency (Repealed in 2013)
Intercourse with prostitute under 18, customer (Repealed in 2013)
Intercourse with a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
Intercourse by seduction (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by exploitation of mental abnormality (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) with inmate in institution (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by abuse of dependency (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) with a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by seduction (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual offence against a child under 15, total (New from 2013)
Rape by sex. intercourse w child under 15 y/perpetrator has reached age 22
Intercourse with a child under 15 (New from 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) with a child under 15 (New from 2013)
Sexual rel. other than intercourse btw person reached age 22 and child under 15 y
Sexual act other than intercourse b/w a person aged 22+ and child under 15
Sexual act other than intercourse w/ a child under 15
Sexual offence by negligence against a child under 15 (New from 2013)
Any other kind of sexual offence, total (New from 2013)
Rape by exploitation of incapacitated state
Intercourse by exploitation of mental abnormality (New from 2013)
Intercourse with inmate placed/detained in institution (New from 2013)
Intercourse by abuse of dependency (New from 2013)
Intercourse by abuse of dependency
Intercourse by seduction (New from 2013)
Contribution towards prostitution (intercourse) - person under 18 (New from 2013)
Intercourse with prostitute under 18 - customer (New from 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by exploitation of incapacitated state (New from 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by exploitation of mental abnormality (New from 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) with inmate placed/detained in institution (New from 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by abuse of dependency (New from 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercourse) by seduction (New from 2013)
Contribution towards sexual act other than intercourse in connection with prostitution of person under 18 (New from 2013)
Sexual act (other than intercouse) with prostitute under 18 (New from 2013)
Sexual act other than intercourse by abusing mental disorder
Sexual act other than intercourse with someone placed in an institution/detained
Engelsk mangler
Sexual act other than intercourse by seduction
Contrib. to sexual act other than intercourse connected to prostitution of a person under 18
Sexual act other than intercourse with prostitute under 18 years - client
Any other kind of sexual offence by negligence (New from 2013)
Homosexual offence against a child under 12, total (Repealed in 2013)
Homosexual offence against a child under 12 (Repealed in 2013)
Homosexual offence by violence against a child under 12 (Repealed in 2013)
Homosexual offence by unlawful coercion against a child under 12 (Repealed in 2013)
Any other kind of homosexual offence, total (Repealed in 2013)
Any other kind of homosexual offence against a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
Any other kind of homosexual offence (Repealed in 2013)
Homosexual offence by violence (Repealed in 2013)
Homosexual offence by unlawful coercion (Repealed in 2013)
Homosexual offence by violence against a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
Homosexual offence by unlawful coercion against a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
Offence against public decency, total
Offence against public decency by groping (Repealed in 2013)
Offence against public decency by groping (New from 2013)
Offence against public decency by indecent exposure (Repealed in 2013)
Offence against public decency by indecent exposure (New from 2013)
Offence against public decency by voyeurism (Repealed in 2013)
Offence against public decency by verbal indecency and similar (Repealed in 2013)
Offence against public decency by other indecency (Repealed in 2013)
Any other kind of offence against public decency (Repealed in 2013)
Offence against public decency by voyeurism (New from 2013)
Offence against public decency by verbal indecency and similar (New from 2013)
Offence against public decency by other indecency (New from 2013)
Violence against public authority, total
Actual or threatened violence against police officer (New from 2005)
Threats of violence etc. against senior police officier (New from 2005)
Obstructing a police officer in the execution of his/her duty (New from 2005)
Obstructing performance (police officer)
Violence against police officer
Threat against police officer
Violence against anyone engaged in public service or duty
Threat of violence against anyone engaged in public service or duty
Obstructing the performance of public function or office
Violence etc. against anyone engaged in public service or duty etc.
Threats of violence etc. against public authority
Obstruction of public authority
Invasion of privacy against anyone engaged in public service or duty
Assault on the police etc. in connection with unlawful assembly/riot
Obstructing the performance of public function or office, aggravating
Attack using objects against someone performing a public function or office
Homicide and attempted homicide, total
Child Murder
Attempted homicide
Psykisk vold mv. i alt
Coercive control
Common assault total
Assault causing actual bodily harm, total
Aggravated assault
Assault causing harm to body or health
Violence/female genital mutilation (New from 2004)
Particularly aggravated assault, total
Assault causing griveous bodily harm
Assault causing griveous bodily harm resulting in death
Offences against life and limb, total
Killing by request
Aiding and abetting suicide
Putting in a state of helplessness
Criminal negligence in connection with a birth
Endanger life and limb
Failure to assist a person in mortal danger
Failure to assist a person in an accident
Failure to assist/flight from traffic accident (New from 2008)
Failure to assist a pregnant woman (Repealed in 2002)
Offences against personal liberty, total
Religious marriage ceremonies etc. under 18 years
Deprivation of liberty
Deprivation of liberty, aggravated
Human trafficking (New from 2014)
Human exploitation
Threats, total
Threats, violence, etc. against witnesses and their relatives
Threats etc. against witnesses and their relatives
Violence against witnesses and their relatives
Threat to life
Public threat of violent act
Theft from person, total
Theft, trick theft on the street (New from 2013)
Theft, trick theft in residence
Theft from pocket/bag/luggage
Theft of bag/luggage
Theft in connection with prostitution
Theft in connection with violence
Blackmail and usury, total
Robbery, total
Robbing person in his/her home (New from 2008)
Robbing other persons
Aggravated robbery from person in his/her home (New from 2008)
Aggravated robbery from other persons
Sending child abroad, health/development hazard
Breach of warning (Repealed in 2012)
Invasion of privacy and defamation, total
Unauthorised registration of movements
Persecution by repeated accusations
Defamation (New from 2019)
Allegation - false
Allegations via mass media
Act on non-molestation orders, exclusion orders and ouster orders, total
Breach of non-molestation order (New from 2012)
Breach of exclusion order (New from 2012)
Breach of ouster order (New from 2012)
Breach of non-molestation order and exclusion order (New from 2012)
Breach of ouster order and non-molestation order (New from 2012)
Breach of ouster order and exclusion order (New from 2012)
Breach of ouster order, non-molestation order and exclusion order (New from 2012)
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Age, total
0-4 years
5-9 years
10-14 years
15-19 years
20-24 years
25-29 years
30-39 years
40-49 years
50-59 years
60-69 years
70-79 years
80 year and over
Age not stated
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Sex not stated