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StatBank Denmark
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[NA ESA95rev, DB07] Capital formation (DKK million) by industry, kind and price unit (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : m DKK
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Of which: General government
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
01000 Agriculture and horticulture
02000 Forestry
03000 Fishing
B Mining and quarrying
06090 Mining and quarrying
C Manufacturing
CA Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco
10120 Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco
CB Textiles and leather products
13150 Textiles and leather products
CC Wood and paper products and printing
16000 Manufacture of wood and wood products
17000 Manufacture of paper and paper products
18000 Printing etc.
CD Oil refinery etc.
19000 Oil refinery etc.
CE Manufacture of chemicals
20000 Manufacture of chemicals
CF Pharmaceuticals
21000 Pharmaceuticals
CG Manufacture of plastic, glass and concrete
22000 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
23000 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
CH Basic metals and fabricated metal products
24000 Manufacture of basic metals
25000 Manufacture of fabricated metal products
CI Manufacture of electronic components
26000 Manufacture of electronic components
CJ Electrical equipment
27000 Electrical equipment
CK Manufacture of machinery
28000 Manufacture of machinery
CL Transport equipment
29000 Manufacture of motor vehicles and related parts
30000 Manufacture of ships and other transport equipment
CM Manufacture of furniture and other manufacturing etc.
31320 Manufacture of furniture and other manufacturing
33000 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
D_E Utility services
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
35000 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E Water supply, sewerage and waste management
36000 Water collection, purification and supply
37390 Sewerage; waste collection, treatment and disposal activities etc.
F Construction
41430 Construction
G_I Trade and transport etc.
G Wholesale and retail trade
45000 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
46000 Wholesale
47000 Retail sale
H Transportation
49000 Land transport and transport via pipelines
50000 Water transport
51000 Air transport
52000 Support activities for transportation
53000 Postal and courier activities
I Accommodation and food service activities
55560 Accommodation and food service activities
J Information and communication
JA Publishing, television and radio broadcasting
58000 Publishing activities
59600 Motion picture and television programme prod., sound recording; radio and televisi
JB Telecommunications
61000 Telecommunications
JC IT and information service activities
62630 IT and information service activities
K Financial and insurance
64000 Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
65000 Insurance and pension funding
66000 Other financial activities
LA Real estate activities and renting of non-residential buildings
68100 Buying and selling of real estate
68300 Renting of non-residential buildings
LB Dwellings
68203 Renting of residential buildings
68204 Owner-occupied dwellings
M_N Other business services
M Knowledge-based services
MA Consultancy etc.
69700 Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices; management consultanc
71000 Architectural and engineering activities
MB Scientific research and development
72001 Scientific research and development (market)
72002 Scientific research and development (non-market)
MC Advertising and other business services
73000 Advertising and market research
74750 Other professional, scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities
N Travel agents, cleaning, and other operationel services
77000 Rental and leasing activities
78000 Employment activities
79000 Travel agent activities
80820 Security and investigation; services to buildings and landscape; other businness s
O_Q Public administration, education and health
O Public administration, defence and compulsory social security
84202 Public administration etc.
84101 Rescue service etc. (market)
P Education
85202 Education (non-market)
85101 Education (market)
Q Human health and social work
QA Human health activities
86000 Human health activities
QB Residential care
87880 Residential care
R_S Arts, entertainment and other services
R Arts, entertainment and recreation activities
90920 Arts and entertainment; libraries, museums and other cultural activities; gambling
93000 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
SA Other service activities
94000 Activities of membership organisations
95000 Repair of personal goods
96000 Other personal service activities
SB Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
97000 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
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Other machinery and equipment
Transport equipment
Buildings and structures
Dwellings and non-residential buildings
Civil engineering works
Fixed capital n.e.c.
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Current prices, DKK million
2005-prices, chained values, DKK million
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Statistics Denmark