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StatBank Denmark
Culture and leisure
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Childrens participation in selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and parents education (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : Per cent
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cultural activity
parents education
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All cultural activities
Reads daily newspaper or free newspapers at least once a week
Reads daily newspaper or free newspapers at least once a month
Reads books at least once a week
Been spectators at sports events with in the last year
Been to art exhibition or museum within the last year
Use public library at least once a month
Been to the theater within the least year
Participated in a sport or had exercised - at least one discipline
Plays or make own music
Been to concert or music festival within the last year
Been to the cinema within the last month
None of above
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None/short education
Vocational education
Intermediary advanced degree
Long advanced degree
Education unknown
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Number of selected data cells for the table:
(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark