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StatBank Denmark Culture and leisure
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    IDRAKT01: Members of sports organizations by region, activity, sex and age
    Unit : Number

    There is a minor difference in the table between the sum of men and women and the total membership. This is because, since 2022, it has been possible to report something else than man and woman to the Central Register of Associations, which is the basis for these statistics. There may be uncertainty about what the category other covers in the report, as it is not defined in more detail. Membership numbers are given as unique memberships in a sports association. A person who is a member of that association will thus count twice in the calculation. The entire country also includes members without a municipality. Memberships do not include activities such as theater and politics, as in table IDRFOR01. IDRAKT01 is rounded to whole 10s back in time, due to confidentiality policy. The rounding may cause small discrepancies between groupings and totals. The new gender category in the data source or the roundings doesnt have any effect on the applicability of the statistics.

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    region (111)
    activity (81)
    sex (3)
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    age (6)
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    (select max. 10000)
    10-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,