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All Denmark
Province Byen København
Province Københavns omegn
Province Nordsjælland
Province Bornholm
Province Østsjælland
Province Vest- og Sydsjælland
Province Fyn
Province Sydjylland
Province Østjylland
Province Vestjylland
Province Nordjylland
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Without conviction or acquitted
Convicted, total
Crimes of violence and sexual offenses
Firearms act
Euphoriants act
Malicious damage to property
Other offenses against property
Traffic offenses
Other special laws
Convictions in several categories
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1) 15-17 years old, disadvantaged, total (all persons who have received preventive measures )
2) 15-17 years old, disadvantaged children and young persons who are or have been placed outside of own home (with or without other measures)
3) 15-17 years old, disadvantaged children and young persons who have received person-oriented measures
4) 15-17 years old, disadvantaged children and young persons who have received family-oriented measures
5) 15-17 years old, disadvantaged children and young persons who have been placed outside of own home and/or have received p
6) 15-17 years old, disadvantaged children and young persons who have received person-oriented and/or have received family-oriented measures
7) 15-17 years old, not disadvantaged children and young persons (all persons who have never received a social measure)
8) 30-35 years old, disadvantaged, total (all persons who have received a preventive mesure
9) 30-35 years old, disadvantaged placed outside of own home as 0-22 years (with or without other measures)
10) 30-35 years old, disadvantaged children and young persons, who recived person-oriented measures as 0-22 years
11) 30-35 years old, not disadvantaged children and young persons who as 0-22 years (all persons who have never received a social measure)