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StatBank Denmark Culture and leisure
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    BIB4E: Public libraries stock and use of electronic resources by region, inventory and electronic material type
    Unit : Number

    Number of searches in databases is higher in 2017 compared to 2016. This is because the publisher Gyldendal presented in 2017 usage numbers for the whole year, but only part of the year in 2016.

    Due to increasing content on the libraries' licenses as well as increasing stock numbers for Ebook Central Plus, GALE, Bisnode, Britannica, Naxos and Masterfiles, the level of the stock of resources is significantly greater in 2022 compared to previous periods. The increased stock for the whole country can also be attributed to the increased stock of the relevant licenses being multiplied by the number of libraries that have access to this licence.

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    16-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,