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StatBank Denmark Culture and leisure
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    BEVIL01B: Public funding for cultural purposes by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type
    Unit : m DKK

    Corresponding data from 2007 to 2019 can be gathered from
    In connection with updating the table with 2023 data, an error has been found and corrected in the reporting for 2022. This relates to a purpose of wrong culture topic.
    If interested in data on specific cultural domains, we recommend you use the Select all option for the variable PURPOSE. If a value in the table is indicated with a dot, it means the corresponding purpose has not been part of the report the given year.

     Select   Advanced selection   Information 
    cultural domains (36)
    purpose (408)
    financing source (7)
    Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
    financing type (6)
    Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
    (select max. 10000)
    12-9-2024 Statistics Denmark ,