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StatBank Denmark
Culture and leisure
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Do internet calls replace other means of communication? by type and other means of communication - Per cent of those, who have used mobil internet (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : Per cent
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Age: 16-19 years
Age: 20-39 years
Age: 40-59 years
Age: 60-74 years
Sex: Women
Sex: Men
Socioeconomic status: Student
Socioeconomic status: Employee (basic level)
Socioeconomic status: Employee (upper level)
Socioeconomic status: Self-employed
Socioeconomic status: Outside labour force
Educational level.: Primary or lower secondary education
Educational level.: Upper secondary education
Educational level.: Tertiary (university) education
Region Hovedstaden
Region Midtjylland
Region Nordjylland
Region Sjælland
Region Syddanmark
Income: 0-49.999 DKK
Income: 50.000-99.999 DKK
Income: 100.000-199.999 DKK
Income: 200.000-299.999 DKK
Income: 300.000 kr. or more
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Mobile phone calls: Much replaced by internet calls.
Mobile phone calls: Somewhat replaced by internet calls.
Mobile phone calls: Not replaced by internet calls.
Fixed telephone line: Much replaced by internet calls.
Fixed telephone line: Somewhat replaced by internet calls.
Fixed telephone line: Not replaced by internet calls.
Email: Much replaced by internet calls.
Email: Somewhat replaced by internet calls.
Email: Not replaced by internet calls.
Other communication means: Much replaced by internet calls.
Other communication means: Somewhat replaced by internet calls.
Other communication means: Nott replaced by internet calls.
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(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark