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StatBank Denmark
Social conditions
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Days with parental leave (parent years) by unit, entitlement, sector, social status and industry
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Number of fathers
Number of mothers
Mother - total days on parental leave (benefits) on average
Mother - days on parental leave (benefits) before birth on average
Mother - days on parental leave (benefits) after birth on average
Father - days on parental leave (benefits) after birth on average
Mother -total days of salary during parental leave on average
Mother -days of salary during parental leave before birth on average
Mother -days of salary during parental leave after birth on average
Father - days of salary during parental leave after birth on average
Mother - total days without salary during parental leave on average
Mother -days without salary during parental leave before birth on average
Mother -days without salary during parental leave after birth on average
Father - days without salary during parental leave after birth on average
Mother - total full-time days of partially resumed work on average
Mother - full-time days of partially resumed work before birth on average
Mother - full-time days of partially resumed work after birth on average
Father - full-time days of partially resumed work after birth on average
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Father is entitled to parental benefits
Father was on parental leave
Mother is entitled to parental benefits
Mother was on parental leave
Both mother and father are entitled to parental leave
Mother is entitled, father was on parental leave
Mother is entitled to parental benfits, father is not
Mother was on parental leave, father is entitled
Both mother and father were on parental leave
Mother was on parental leave, father is not entitled
Mother is not entitled to parental benfits, father is
Mother is not entitled, father was not on parental leave
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Public sector
Private sector, total
Private, employee
Private, independent
Insured available
Switching between sectors during maternity leave
social status
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Industry, total
Self-employed and assisting spouses
Employees, managers and upper level
Employees, medium level
Employees, basic level
Other employees
Others or unknown
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TOT Industry, total
1 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
2 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying, and utility services
3 Construction
4 Trade and transport etc.
5 Information and communication
6 Financial and insurance
7 Real estate
8 Other business services
9 Public administration, education and health
10 Arts, entertainment and recration activities
11 Activity not stated
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Number of selected data cells for the table:
(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark