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12-grp. 28-grouping 9-grouping
1 Agriculture, fishing and quarrying
Agriculture etc.
Mining and quarrying
0109 Agriculture, horticulture and forestry
0500 Fishing
1009 Mining and quarrying
2 Manufacturing
1509 Mfr. of food, beverages and tobacco
1709 Mfr. of textiles, wearing apparel, leather
2009 Mfr. of wood products, printing and publ.
2309 Mfr. of chemicals, plastic products etc.
2600 Mfr. of other non-metallic mineral products
2709 Mfr. of basic metals and fabr. metal prod.
3600 Mfr. of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c.
3 Electricity, gas and water supply
Electricity, gas and water supply
4009 Electricity, gas and water supply
4 Construction
4500 Construction
5 Wholesale and retail trade; hotels, restaurants
Ws. and retail trade; hotels, restaurants
5000 Sale and repair of motor vehicles etc.
5100 Ws. and commis. trade, excl. of m. vehicles
5200 Re. trade and repair work excl. of m. vehicles
5500 Hotels and restaurants
6 Transport, storage and communication
Transport, storage and communication
6009 Transport
6400 Post and telecommunications
7 Financial intermediation, business activity
Financial intermediation and insurance etc.
Real estate and renting activities and business activities
6509 Financial intermediation and insurance etc.
7009 Real estate and renting activities
7209 Business activities etc.
8 Public and personal services
Public and personal services
7500 Public administration etc.
8000 Education
8519 Health care activities
8539 Social work activities
9009 Other community, social and personal act.
0 Activity not stated
9800 Activity not stated
Activity not stated
9900 International organisations
International organisations
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Corporations and organizations
General government
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Hours worked (1000 hours)
Employment (number)
Jobs (number)
Compensation of employees (DKK million)