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StatBank Denmark Business
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    SAO01: Total labour costs for corporations and organisations per worked hour by industry (DB07), components, group of employees and sex
    Unit : DKK

    COVID-19 related leave (not including COVID-19 related sick leave) has been implemented into the statistics. Other labour costs have been calculated in relation to hours worked, where leave from work due to lockdown and restrictions has been deducted, and financial compensation for paid leave has been incorporated into Refunds from public funds. Since 2020, an extraordinary component has been added to the series in statbank, which displays the extra wage costs due the reduced hours worked. The component is called Wage cost for furlough without the possibility to work from home. The component is included in the total of labour costs, which thus expresses the total labour costs per hour worked excl. furlough. Since 2020, three temporary COVID-19 related grants/subsidies have also been included under AUB. This results in relatively large amounts of Refunds from public funds for trainees.

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    industry (DB07) (10)
    components (11)
    group of employees (6)
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    sex (3)
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    (select max. 10000)
    13-9-2024 Statistics Denmark ,