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StatBank Denmark Culture and leisure
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    MUS1: Activity by category of museum, type of museum and activity
    Unit : Number

    Comparison between 2015 and 2016 for the total number of visitors, number of museums and number of annual opening hours activity must be taken with reservations as there are data break for non-state-supported museums and other state-owned museums between 2015 and 2016.The table contains figures on main museums and individual museums. Museums in Mixed category are main museums including more than one type of category e.g. Culture historical and art. From 2022 and forward more museum acitivities are included: number of volunteer, volunteer hours worked and total admission revenue incl. annual passes (DKK).

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    category of museum (7)
    type of museum (5)
    activity (7)
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    (select max. 10000)
    25-1-2025 Statistics Denmark ,