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StatBank Denmark
Culture and leisure
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Causes of children rejection of cultural activities by cultural activity, age, sex and cause (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : Per cent
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Why do you rarely or never go to concert or music event?
Why do you rarely or never go to theatrical or other performances?
Why do you rarely or never visit a museum or exhibition?
Why do you rarely or never visit the library?
Why are you reading rarely or never?
Why have not you grown sport / exercise firm in the past year?
Why are you reading rarely or never newspapers / use news sites on the Internet?
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7-9 year old
10-12 year old
13-14 year old
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It does not interest me
It is made for anyone but me
Id rather watch TV and / or listen to the radio
I read slow / bad
I do not have time
This one can go to where I live, does not interest me
I do not know what offers are
I do not have any to join me
To high distance
It is too expensive
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(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark