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StatBank Denmark
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Loans and renewals at research libraries with special obligations by library, inventory and type of recipient (DISCONTINUED)
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Biblioteker ved Københavns Universitet
Biblioteker ved Aarhus Universitet
Research libraries total
Arbejdermuseet og Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv
AU Library, Fuglesangs Alle (Merged in 2017 with the Royal Danish Library)
Biblioteket Arkitektskolen Aarhus
CBS Library
The Art Library (Merged in 2017 with the Royal Danish Library)
Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, Biblioteket
AU Library, Campus Emdrup (DBP) (Merged in 2017 with the Royal Danish Library)
Statistics Denmark's Information Service and Library
DTU Bibliotek. Danmarks Tekniske Informationscenter
Institute for Human Rights. Library (-2017)
Designmuseum Danmark. Biblioteket
Det Administrative Bibliotek (Merged in 2017 with the Royal Danish Library)
Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultetsbibliotek
Det Danske Filminstituts Bibliotek
Det Farmaceutiske Fakultetsbibliotek
Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatorium, Biblioteket
Det Kongelige Bibliotek: Nationalbibliotek og Københavns Universitetsbibliotek
Forsvarets Bibliotek
IVA Biblioteket. Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi
Kunstakademiet for arkitektur, design og konservering. Biblioteket
KVINFO. Videnscenter og forskningsbibliotek for køn, ligestilling og mangfoldighed (Merged in 2018 with the Royal Danish Library)
Københavns Tekniske Bibliotek
Polarbiblioteket. Københavns Universitet. Afdeling for Eskimologi og Arktiske Studier
Professionshøjskolen Metropols biblioteker
PHB. Bibliotekerne ved professionshøjskolerne Metropol og UCC
Roskilde Universitetsbibliotek (Merged in 2017 with the Royal Danish Library)
Statsbiblioteket (Merged in 2017 with the Danish Royal Library)
Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek
Søfartens Biblioteks Studiecenter
University College Lillebælt, Biblioteket
University College Nordjylland, Biblioteket
Professionshøjskolen Absalon. Biblioteket
UC SYD Biblioteket
VIA UC Bibliotekerne
Aalborg University Library
AU Library, Navitas (Merged in 2017 with the Royal Danish Library)
Aarhus Universitet Handels- og IngeniørHøjskolens Bibliotek, Herning
Aarhus University Library
DIIS Library
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Uses. Copies replaces lending
Renewals of lending
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Loans, direct
Loans, reading room
Interlibrary lending provided to public libraries in Denmark
Interlibrary lending provided to other public libraries in Denmark
Interlibrary lending provided to libraries, Nordic countries
Interlibrary lending provided to foreign libraries
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Statistics Denmark