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Percentage, share and distribution
Share of the total purchase of cars
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In households
Under 50.000 DKK
50.000 - 74.999 DKK
75.000 - 99.999 DKK
100.000 - 124.999 DKK
125.000 - 149.999 DKK
150.000 - 174.999 DKK
175.000 - 199.999 DKK
200.000 - 224.999 DKK
225.000 - 249.999 DKK
250.000 - 274.999 DKK
275.000 - 299.999 DKK
300.000 - 349.999 DKK
350.000 - 399.999 DKK
400.000 - 449.999 DKK
450.000 - 499.999 DKK
500.000 - 599.999 DKK
600.000 - 699.999 DKK
700.000 - 799.999 DKK
800.000 - 899.999 DKK
900.000 - 999.999 DKK
1 million and more
Unknown income
First decil
Second decil
Third decil
Fourth decil
Fifth decil
Sixth decil
Seventh decil
Eigth decil
Ninth decil
Tenth decil
1st quartile
2nd quartile
3rd quartile
4th quartile
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Families, total
Families, who have not purchased cars, total
Families, who have purchased cars, total
Families, who have purchased 1 car, total
Families, who have purchased private cars
Families, who have purchased vans
Families, who have leased private cars
Families, who have purchased 2 cars, total
Families, who have purchased 2 private cars
Families, who have purchased 2 vans
Families, who have leased 2 private cars
Families, who have purchased 1 private car and 1 van
Families, who have purchased 1 private car and leased 1 private car
Families, who have purchased 1 van and leased 1 private car
Families, who have purchased 3 cars total
Families, who have purchased 3 private cars
Families, who have purchased 3 vans
Families, who have leased 3 private cars
Families, who have purchased 2 private cars and 1 van
Families, who have purchased 2 private cars and leased 1 private car
Families, who have purchased 1 private car and 2 vans
Families, who have purchased 1 private car and leased 2 private cars
Families, who have purchased 2 vans and leased 1 private car
Families, who have purchased 1 van and leased 2 private cars
Families, who have purchased 1 van, 1 private car and leased 1 private car
Families, who have purchased or leased more than 3 cars