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Maingroups (1 cifre) Maingroups (2 digits) Maingroups (3 digits) Maingroups (4 digits)
3 Vocational Education and Training (VET)
31 Vocational upper secondary education
311 Vocational Education and Training, basic course 1 - only for youth
3111 Care, health and education (introductory program 1)
3112 Food, agriculture and experiences (introductory program 1)
3113 Office, commercial and business services (introductory program 1)
3114 Engineering, construction and transport (introductory program 1)
312 Vocational Education and Training, basic course 2
3121 Care, health and education (introductory program 2)
3122 Food, agriculture and experiences (introductory program 2)
3123 Office, commercial and business services (introductory program 2)
3124 Engineering, construction and transport (introductory program 2)
32 Vocational education , qualifying for higher education
320 Vocational education and training, course for qualifying for higher education
3203 Office, commercial and business services (educational competence course)
33 Vocational education, core program
330 Vocational education and training, core program
3301 Care, health and education (core program)
3302 Food, agriculture and experiences (core program)
3303 Office, commercial and business services (core program )
3304 Engineering, construction and transport (core program )
39 Other vocational education (EUX)
390 Basic vocational education and training
3901 Basic vocational education and training
398 Other vocational training courses
3980 Further vocational education and training
3981 Agricultural Education, vocational
3983 Maritime education, vocational
3985 Police education, vocational
3987 Vocational education, other
399 Vocational education and training, single courses
3995 Vocational open education
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Age, total
Under 14 years
14 years
15 years
16 years
17 years
18 years
19 years
20 years
21 years
22 years
23 years
24 years
25 years
26 years
27 years
28 years
29 years
30-34 years
35-39 years
40 years-
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Persons of Danish origin
Unknown origin
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Western countries
Non-western countries
National origin, not stated
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Students per 1st October