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StatBank Denmark Economy
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    VNAN1: Versionstable NAN1 - Demand and supply (year) by version, transaction and price unit
    Unit : -

    3/10-2024. A minor correction has been made in this table for the period 2005-2014 in chained prices in June 2023 version. The correction adjusts the ratio between the import of goods and the import of services so that the values align with the quarterly national accounts. Total imports are unchanged and there is no effect on GDP or other variables. Starting with June version 1966-2023, chained prices are calculated with 2020 as reference year (2020 prices, chained values), while all versions before June version 1966-2023 are calculated in 2010 prices chained values.This table matches the Statbank table An additional variable has been aded (version) which makes it possible to observe changes from version to version of the National Accounts.

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    price unit (8)
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    10-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,