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StatBank Denmark
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Municipalities' provisional accounts by functions - by function, dranst and kind
Unit : DKK 1,000
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Main account 0
Main account 1
Main account 2
Main account 3
Main account 4
Main account 5
Main account 6
Main account 7
Main account 8
0.22.01 Joint purpose (soil supply)
0.22.02 Purpose for houses (soil supply)
0.22.03 Purpose for industry (soil supply)
0.22.04 Purpose for the government (soil supply)
0.22.05 Other pursoses (soil supply)
0.25.10 Joint purpose (real estate)
0.25.11 Housing
0.25.11 Commercial real estate
0.25.13 Other real estate
0.25.15 City improvement
0.25.17 The right to assignment in private rental properties
0.25.18 Dependability on house buildings
0.25.19 Senior housing
0.28.20 Green areas and nature reserves
0.32.31 Stadiums and sports facilities
0.32.35 Other leisure-time facilities
0.35.40 Cemeteries
0.38.50 Nature administration projects
0.38.51 Natura 2000
0.38.52 Compensation for preservations
0.38.53 Forests
0.38.54 Sand drift
0.48.70 Joint purpose (stream department)
0.48.71 Maintenance of streams
0.48.72 Contributions to the maintenance etc.
0.52.80 Joint purpose (environmental protection)
0.52.81 Contamination of the soil
0.52.83 Raw materials
0.52.85 Portable batteries
0.52.87 Control and inspection of enviromental conditions - businesses
0.52.89 Other arrangements, investigations, and inspections etc.
0.55.90 Joint purpose
0.55.91 Pest control
0.55.92 Chimney sweep work
0.55.93 Other revenues and expenditures (urban development, housing and environmental measure)
0.58.95 Danish National Rescue Preparedness
1.22.01 Gas supply
1.22.02 Electricity supply
1.22.03 Heat supply
1.22.04 Water supply
1.22.06 Other supply plants
1.35.40 Joint purpose (wastewater facility)
1.35.43 Water purifying plants incuding sewer and drain
1.35.44 Emptying services (cesspool, septic-tank, etc)
1.35.46 Climate investments
1.38.60 General Administration (only households)
1.38.61 Arrangements for collecting refuse - waste residue
1.38.62 Arrangements for large waste and garden waste
1.38.63 Arrangements for food, paper, cardboard, glass, metal and plastic waste
1.38.64 Arrangements for chemical waste and textile waste
1.38.65 Recycling stations
1.38.66 Other arrangements and facilities
1.38.67 Collection of industrial waste at market prices
2.22.01 Joint and cross-sectional road purposes (transport and infrastructure)
2.22.03 Non-government financed works
2.22.05 Administration buildings and spaces
2.22.07 Parking
2.28.11 Maintenance of roads etc.
2.28.12 Road surface etc.
2.28.14 Winter services
2.28.22 Road systems
2.28.23 Standard improvements of the roads
2.32.30 Joint purpose (public transit/public transportation)
2.32.31 Bus services
2.32.33 Ferry services
2.32.34 Airports
2.32.35 Train services
2.35.40 Harbours
2.35.41 Yachting harbours
2.35.42 Coastal protection
3.22.01 Basic schools
3.22.02 The municipalitys joint expences for schools
3.22.03 Patient and home education
3.22.04 Pedagogical psycological counselling etc.
3.22.05 After school arrangments
3.22.06 Transport of students in primary schools
3.22.07 Special education offered by the regions
3.22.08 The municipality special schools etc.
3.22.09 Further education in primary school
3.22.10 Contribution to the state for students in private schools
3.22.12 Continuation schools and youth boarding schools
3.22.14 The youth education guidance
3.22.15 The youth education guidance
3.22.16 Special pedagogical assistance to children in the pre-school-age
3.22.17 Special pedagogical assistance to adults
3.22.18 Sports facilities for children and young people
3.30.42 Preparatory Basic Education
3.30.43 Support for pupils on Preparatory Basic Education and student salary
3.30.44 Production schools
3.30.45 Primary educations for the industries
3.30.46 Education of youth with special needs
3.30.47 Upper secondary schools
3.32.50 Libraries
3.35.60 Museums
3.35.61 Movie theaters
3.35.62 Theaters
3.35.63 Concerts
3.35.64 Other cultural assignments
3.38.70 Joint purpose (public information and leisure-time activities etc.
3.38.72 General education of adult
3.38.73 Voluntary public information work
3.38.74 Contributions to the premises
3.38.75 Leisure-time activities outside of the public information law
3.38.76 Out-of-school education for the youth
3.38.77 Folk high schools in the day time
3.38.78 Municipality grants to privately owned educ. instit. that are financed by the central Govern. etc.
3.41.80 Regional devellopment tasks on education
3.45.83 Joint purpose (education and culture)
4.62.81 Financing of the health department difined by the activity
4.62.82 Rehabilitation and maintenance training
4.62.84 Physiotherapy
4.62.85 Municipality dental care
4.62.88 Advancement of health and preventive measures
4.62.89 Preventive health services for children and youth
4.62.90 Other health expences
5.22.07 Income from the central reimbursement scheme
5.22.08 Reimbursement scheme regarding expenses for Housing First efforts, etc.
5.25.10 Joint purpose (day-care centre for children etc.)
5.25.11 Day care
5.25.12 Crèche
5.25.13 Transverse institutions
5.25.14 Day-care centers
5.25.15 Youth centers
5.25.16 Clubs and other social pedagogical after school offers
5.25.17 Special day-care offers and special clubs
5.25.18 Open pedagogical offers, playing facilities etc.
5.25.19 Subsidies to pools, private clubs og private institutions
5.28.20 Places etc. for children and young people
5.28.21 Guidance and preventive arrangements or interventions, as well as supportive initiatives for children and young people
5.28.22 Fostercare
5.28.23 24-hour care centers for children and young people
5.28.24 Secured 24-hour care centers etc. for children and yound people
5.28.25 Special day-care offers and special clubs
5.28.26 Decisions under juvenile delinquency law
5.30.26 Personal and practical help and meal services for the elderly covered by free choice of supplier
5.30.27 Care etc. of primary elderly except for free choice of supplier
5.30.28 Home nursing
5.30.29 Preventative efforts and relief efforts aimed primary at elderly
5.30.31 Assistive devices, consumer goods, interior decoration and transportation to the elderly
5.30.36 Care benefits and assistance for medical articles and the like by care of dying in own homes
5.32.30 Senior homes
5.32.32 Nursing and care etc. for the elderly and the handicapped
5.32.33 Preventive effort for the elderly and handicapped
5.32.34 Nursing homes and protected homes
5.32.35 Relief measures, consumer goods, interior design and travel expences
5.32.37 Wages and care allowances for relatives
5.35.40 Counselling and counselling institutions
5.38.38 Home help for people with disabilities, etc. subject to free choice of supplier
5.38.39 Personal support and care of people with disabilities, etc.
5.38.40 Counseling and advisory institutions
5.38.41 Assistive products, consumer goods, interior decoration and transportation for people with disabilities
5.38.42 Interventions for people with special social problems
5.38.44 Alcohol treatment and treatment centers for people with alcohol abuse
5.38.45 Treatment for people with drug addicts
5.38.50 Living arrangement offers for long term stay
5.38.51 Housing offers etc.
5.38.52 Living arrangement offers for temporary stay
5.38.53 Contact person and companion arrangements
5.38.54 Special places at psychiatric department
5.38.58 Protected employment
5.38.59 Activities and social arrangement offers
5.46.60 Self-sufficiency and repatriation program or introduction program and introductory courses, etc.
5.46.61 Self-sufficiency and repatriation benefit as well as transitional benefit, etc.
5.46.65 Repatriation
5.48.65 Seniorpension
5.48.66 Early retirement pension awarded after rules valid after 1.7.2014 or later
5.48.67 Personal allowances
5.48.68 Early retirement pension awarded before 1 July 2014
5.48.69 Early retirement pension with 65 pct. municipal co-funding - awarded after rules valid before 1.1.2003
5.48.70 Early retirement pension with 65 pct. municipal co-funding - awarded after rules valid from 1.1.2003
5.57.71 Sickness benefits
5.77.72 Social purposes
5.57.73 Welfare and education payments
5.57.74 Self-sufficiency and repatriation benefit as well as transitional benefit, etc. with 100% refund for certain groups of refugees
5.57.75 Remnants and repayments of activated welfare and education payment receivers
5.57.76 Housing benefits to retirees - municipal co-financing
5.57.77 Housing insurance - municipal co-financing
5.57.78 Daily benefits for unemployed people with insurance
5.57.79 Temporary labor market scheme and cash benefit scheme
5.58.80 Rehabilitation
5.58.81 Supplements to the salery to people in flexjobs and people in salery-supplement positions
5.58.82 Ressource activation and job clarification program
5.58.83 Unemployment benefit
5.68.90 Expenses for the municipalities employment initiatives
5.68.91 Job rotation prior to 2015 (until 2021 - employment initiatives for unemployment benefit claimant)
5.68.93 Job centers
5.68.94 Supplements to the salary and until 2012 pilot job centers
5.68.95 Wages for unemployment benefit recipients, social assistance recipients, and other individuals employed with wage subsidies in municipalities
5.68.96 Service jobs
5.68.97 Senior jobs
5.68.98 Employment arragements
5.72.99 Voluntary social work and other social purposes
6.42.40 Joint purpose (Political organisation)
6.42.41 Members of the board of directors in the municipalities
6.42.42 Commissions, counsels and boards
6.42.43 Election etc.
6.45.50 Administration buildings
6.45.51 General offices and management
6.45.52 Shared IT and telephony
6.45.53 Job centers
6.45.54 Protection of nature
6.45.55 Protection of the environment
6.45.56 Processing of construction work permissions
6.45.57 The adult, elder, and disabled area
6.45.58 The specialised childrens area
6.45.59 Administrative contribution to Udbetaling Danmark and The Senior Pension Unit etc.
6.48.60 Fees related to business activities and revenue from system exports etc.
6.48.61 Growth forums
6.48.62 Tourism
6.48.63 Development of human resources
6.48.66 Innovation and new technology
6.48.67 Guidance and Business Development
6.48.68 Development of outer- and farm-district areas
6.52.70 Salary pool and maternity leave
6.52.71 Payment for Employees Holiday Funds
6.52.72 Pension concerning public servants
6.52.74 Internal insurance funds
6.52.76 General reserves (salary pools etc.)
7.22.05 Deposits with banks
7.22.07 Unit trusts
7.22.08 Mortgage bonds
7.22.09 Local government bonds
7.22.10 Central government bonds
7.22.11 Liquid assests issued in other countries
7.28.14 Outstanding accounts in payment control
7.28.15 Other outstanding accounts
7.28.18 Financial assets belonging to private foundations with agreements
7.28.19 Outstanding accounts with other municipalities and regions
7.32.20 Mortgage deeds
7.32.21 Shares and (units/equity) etc.
7.32.22 Outstanding accounts with landowners
7.32.23 Loan to residents entrance fee
7.32.25 Other long-term loans and outstanding accounts
7.32.26 Non-liquid bonds
7.32.27 Deposited amounts for loans etc.
7.35.29 Climate change adaptation projects
7.35.30 Waste water facilities with payment regulations
7.35.31 Gas supply
7.35.32 Electricity supply
7.35.33 Heat supply
7.35.34 Water supply
7.35.35 Other supply plants
7.35.36 Climate investments
7.50.50 Cash kredit and loans for building
7.51.52 Other debt (interest of short term debt to central government)
7.52.54 Other municipalities and regions (interest of short term debt)
7.52.56 Other short-term debt with domestic payment reciever
7.52.57 Other short-term debt with foreign payment receiver
7.52.59 Middel account
7.52.61 Private foundations with agreements (interest of short term debt)
7.55.63 Private foundations with agreements
7.55.64 Long-term debt to the state
7.55.65 Other municipalities and regions
7.55.66 Municipalities pension insurance
7.55.67 Other insurance companies
7.55.68 Mortgage credit
7.55.70 Municipality credit
7.55.71 Banks
7.55.73 Employees Vacation Fund
7.55.74 Publicly issued bonds abroad (interest of long term debt)
7.55.75 Other long-term debt with domestic creditor
7.55.76 Other long-term debt with foreign creditor
7.58.77 Loss due to depreciation in connection with picking up a loan
7.58.78 Other losses due to depreciation and profits due to appreciation
7.58.79 Garantiprovision
7.62.80 Equalization and general grants
7.62.81 Equalization and grants concerning foreigners
7.62.82 The municipalities grants to the regions
7.62.85 Sector specific equalization arrangements
7.62.86 Special grants
7.65.87 Reimbursement of VAT
7.68.90 The municipalities income taxes
7.68.92 Taxes from the industry
7.68.93 Other taxes from certain income
7.68.94 Land tax
7.68.95 Other taxes on real estate
7.68.96 Other taxes
8.22.01 Cash in hand
8.22.05 Deposits with banks
8.22.07 Investment funds
8.22.09 Mortgage credit association bonds
8.22.09 Local government bonds
8.22.10 Central government bonds
8.22.11 Liquid assests issued in other countries
8.25.12 Outstanding accounts from refunds
8.25.13 Other outstanding accounts
8.28.14 Outstanding accounts in payment control
8.28.15 Other outstanding accounts
8.28.17 Middel account between previous and following fiscal year
8.28.18 Financial assets belonging to private foundations with agreements
8.28.19 Outstanding accounts with other municipalities and regions
8.32.20 Mortgage deeds
8.32.21 Shares and (units/equity) etc.
8.32.22 Outstanding accounts with landowners
8.32.23 Loan to residents entrance fee
8.32.24 Deposits in the rural fund etc.
8.32.25 Other long-term loans and outstanding accounts
8.32.26 Non-liquid bonds
8.32.27 Deposited amounts for loans etc.
8.35.29 Climate investments
8.35.30 Waste water facilities with payment regulations
8.35.31 Gas supply
8.35.32 Electricity supply
8.35.33 Heat supply
8.35.34 Water supply
8.35.35 Other supply plants
8.38.36 Municipalities and regions etc.
8.38.37 Central government
8.42.40 Shelter pool
8.42.41 Foundation for savings for the elderly
8.42.42 Grants
8.42.43 Deposits
8.42.44 Foundation for parking
8.45.45 Foundation for savings for the elderly
8.45.46 Grants
8.45.47 Deposits
8.48.48 Municipalities and regions etc.
8.48.49 Central government
8.50.50 Cash kredit and loans for building
8.51.52 Other debt
8.52.53 Taxes and duties for the church
8.52.54 Other municipalities and regions
8.52.55 Owed holiday allowance (optional)
8.52.56 Other short-term debt with domestic payment reciever
8.52.57 Other short-term bedt with foreign payment reciever
8.52.58 Computer fail collection account
8.52.59 Middel account
8.52.61 Private foundations with agreements
8.52.62 Harmonizing and controling account
8.55.63 Private foundations with agreements
8.55.64 State and mortgage bank
8.55.65 Other municipalities and regions
8.55.66 Municipalities pension insurance
8.55.67 Other insurance companies
8.55.68 Mortgage credit
8.55.70 Municipality credit
8.55.71 Banks
8.55.72 Debt relating to climate investments
8.55.73 Employees Vacation Resources
8.55.74 Public bonds issued abroad
8.55.75 Other long-term debt with domestic creditor
8.55.76 Other long-term debt with foreign creditor
8.55.77 Long-term debt relating to housing for elderly
8.55.78 Debt relating to investments in ferries
8.55.79 Debt relating to financial leased assets (optional)
8.58.80 Estates (optional)
8.58.81 Buildings (optional)
8.58.82 Technical works, machines, larger special equipment and transport facilities (optional)
8.58.83 Inventory- including computers and other IT-equipment (optional)
8.58.84 Tangible structure assets under construction and pre-payments for tangible structure assets
8.62.85 Development projects and other acquired intangible structural assets (optional)
8.65.86 Stocks
8.68.87 Land and buildings determined for sale (optional)
8.72.90 Deposited commitments (optional)
8.75.91 Counter item for charge financed assets
8.75.92 Counter item for private foundation assets
8.75.93 Counter item for tax financed assets
8.75.94 Reserve for revalorization
8.75.95 Counter item for donations
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Current expenditure and reimbursement from central government
1 Current expenditure
2 Reimbursement from central government
3 Capital expenditure
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Gross Expenditure
0 Calculating expenses
1 Wages
2 Purchase of goods
4 Services etc.
5 Grants and transferes
6 Finance expences
7 Revenues
8 Finance revenues
9 Internal expences and revenues
0.0 Balance sheets, entries
0.1 Depreciation
0.2 Changes in stocks
0.3 Pensionshensættelse vedrørende tjenestemænd
0.4 Interest
0.5 Other calculated and transfered expences/expenditures - voluntary
0.6 Other calculated and transfered expences/expenditures - mandatory
0.7 Holiday allowance
0.8 Calculated and transfered revenues
0.9 Counter account
2.2 Food
2.3 Fuel and propellant
2.5 Purchase of land and new buildings (including VAT)
2.6 Purchase of land and buildings
2.7 Acquisitions
2.9 Other purchases of goods
4.0 Services, except VAT
4.5 Contractor- and craftmen services
4.6 Payments to the government
4.7 Payments to the municipalities
4.8 Payments to the counties
4.9 Other services etc.
5.1 Public servants pensions etc.
5.2 Transferes to persons
5.9 Other grants and transfers
7.1 Rent income from own buildings
7.2 Sale of products and services
7.6 Payments from the government
7.7 Payments from the municipalities
7.8 Payments from the counties
7.9 Other revenues
8.1 Finansindtægter
8.5 Municipalities grants
8.6 Government grants
8.9 Other finance revenues
9.1 Transferred wages
9.2 Transferred purchases of goods
9.4 Transferred services
9.7 Internal revenues
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Statistics Denmark