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Domestic production
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69 Industries 36a2 Industries 19a2 Industries 10a3 Industries
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing-(Supply))
01000 Agriculture and horticulture-(Supply))
02000 Forestry-(Supply))
03000 Fishing-(Supply))
B Mining and quarrying-(Supply))
06090 Mining and quarrying-(Supply))
C Manufacturing-(Supply))
CA Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco-(Supply))
10120 Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco-(Supply))
CB Textiles and leather products-(Supply))
13150 Textiles and leather products-(Supply))
CC Wood and paper products and printing-(Supply))
16000 Manufacture of wood and wood products-(Supply))
17000 Manufacture of paper and paper products-(Supply))
18000 Printing etc.-(Supply))
CD Oil refinery etc.-(Supply))
19000 Oil refinery etc.-(Supply))
CE Manufacture of chemicals-(Supply))
20000 Manufacture of chemicals -(Supply))
CF Pharmaceuticals-(Supply))
21000 Pharmaceuticals-(Supply))
CG Manufacture of plastic, glass and concrete-(Supply))
22000 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products-(Supply))
23000 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products-(Supply))
CH Basic metals and fabricated metal products-(Supply))
24000 Manufacture of basic metals-(Supply))
25000 Manufacture of fabricated metal products-(Supply))
CI Manufacture of electronic components-(Supply))
26000 Manufacture of electronic components-(Supply))
CJ Electrical equipment-(Supply))
27000 Electrical equipment-(Supply))
CK Manufacture of machinery-(Supply))
28000 Manufacture of machinery-(Supply))
CL Transport equipment-(Supply))
29000 Manufacture of motor vehicles and related parts-(Supply))
30000 Manufacture of ships and other transport equipment-(Supply))
CM Manufacture of furniture and other manufacturing etc.-(Supply))
31320 Manufacture of furniture and other manufacturing-(Supply))
33000 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment-(Supply))
D_E Utility services-(Supply))
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply-(Supply))
35000 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply-(Supply))
E Water supply, sewerage and waste management-(Supply))
36000 Water collection, purification and supply-(Supply))
37390 Sewerage; waste collection, treatment and disposal activities etc.-(Supply))
F Construction-(Supply))
41430 Construction-(Supply))
G_I Trade and transport etc.-(Supply))
G Wholesale and retail trade-(Supply))
45000 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles-(Supply))
46000 Wholesale-(Supply))
47000 Retail sale-(Supply))
H Transportation-(Supply))
49000 Land transport and transport via pipelines-(Supply))
50000 Water transport-(Supply))
51000 Air transport-(Supply))
52000 Support activities for transportation-(Supply))
53000 Postal and courier activities-(Supply))
I Accommodation and food service activities-(Supply))
55560 Accommodation and food service activities-(Supply))
J Information and communication-(Supply))
JA Publishing, television and radio broadcasting-(Supply))
58000 Publishing activities-(Supply))
59600 Motion picture and television programme prod., sound recording; radio and televisi-(Supply))
JB Telecommunications-(Supply))
61000 Telecommunications-(Supply))
JC IT and information service activities-(Supply))
62630 IT and information service activities-(Supply))
K Financial and insurance-(Supply))
64000 Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding-(Supply))
65000 Insurance and pension funding-(Supply))
66000 Other financial activities-(Supply))
LA Real estate activities and renting of non-residential buildings-(Supply))
68100 Buying and selling of real estate-(Supply))
68300 Renting of non-residential buildings-(Supply))
LB Dwellings-(Supply))
68203 Renting of residential buildings-(Supply))
68204 Owner-occupied dwellings-(Supply))
M_N Other business services-(Supply))
M Knowledge-based services-(Supply))
MA Consultancy etc.-(Supply))
69700 Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices; management consultanc-(Supply))
71000 Architectural and engineering activities-(Supply))
MB Scientific research and development-(Supply))
72001 Scientific research and development (market)-(Supply))
72002 Scientific research and development (non-market)-(Supply))
MC Advertising and other business services-(Supply))
73000 Advertising and market research-(Supply))
74750 Other professional, scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities-(Supply))
N Travel agents, cleaning, and other operationel services-(Supply))
77000 Rental and leasing activities-(Supply))
78000 Employment activities-(Supply))
79000 Travel agent activities-(Supply))
80820 Security and investigation; services to buildings and landscape; other businness s-(Supply))
O_Q Public administration, education and health-(Supply))
O Public administration, defence and compulsory social security-(Supply))
84202 Public administration etc.-(Supply))
84101 Rescue service etc. (market)-(Supply))
P Education-(Supply))
85202 Education (non-market)-(Supply))
85101 Education (market)-(Supply))
Q Human health and social work-(Supply))
QA Human health activities-(Supply))
86000 Human health activities-(Supply))
QB Residential care-(Supply))
87880 Residential care-(Supply))
R_S Arts, entertainment and other services-(Supply))
R Arts, entertainment and recreation activities-(Supply))
90920 Arts and entertainment; libraries, museums and other cultural activities; gambling-(Supply))
93000 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities-(Supply))
SA Other service activities-(Supply))
94000 Activities of membership organisations-(Supply))
95000 Repair of personal goods-(Supply))
96000 Other personal service activities-(Supply))
SB Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel-(Supply))
97000 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel-(Supply))
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Total Use-(Use)
Total Intermedialte Consumption-(Use)
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing- (Use)
01000 Agriculture and horticulture- (Use)
02000 Forestry- (Use)
03000 Fishing- (Use)
B Mining and quarrying- (Use)
06090 Mining and quarrying- (Use)
C Manufacturing- (Use)
CA Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco- (Use)
10120 Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco- (Use)
CB Textiles and leather products- (Use)
13150 Textiles and leather products- (Use)
CC Wood and paper products and printing- (Use)
16000 Manufacture of wood and wood products- (Use)
17000 Manufacture of paper and paper products- (Use)
18000 Printing etc.- (Use)
CD Oil refinery etc.- (Use)
19000 Oil refinery etc.- (Use)
CE Manufacture of chemicals- (Use)
20000 Manufacture of chemicals - (Use)
CF Pharmaceuticals- (Use)
21000 Pharmaceuticals- (Use)
CG Manufacture of plastic, glass and concrete- (Use)
22000 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products- (Use)
23000 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products- (Use)
CH Basic metals and fabricated metal products- (Use)
24000 Manufacture of basic metals- (Use)
25000 Manufacture of fabricated metal products- (Use)
CI Manufacture of electronic components- (Use)
26000 Manufacture of electronic components- (Use)
CJ Electrical equipment- (Use)
27000 Electrical equipment- (Use)
CK Manufacture of machinery- (Use)
28000 Manufacture of machinery- (Use)
CL Transport equipment- (Use)
29000 Manufacture of motor vehicles and related parts- (Use)
30000 Manufacture of ships and other transport equipment- (Use)
CM Manufacture of furniture and other manufacturing etc.- (Use)
31320 Manufacture of furniture and other manufacturing- (Use)
33000 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment- (Use)
D_E Utility services- (Use)
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply- (Use)
35000 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply- (Use)
E Water supply, sewerage and waste management- (Use)
36000 Water collection, purification and supply- (Use)
37390 Sewerage; waste collection, treatment and disposal activities etc.- (Use)
F Construction- (Use)
41430 Construction- (Use)
G_I Trade and transport etc.- (Use)
G Wholesale and retail trade- (Use)
45000 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles- (Use)
46000 Wholesale- (Use)
47000 Retail sale- (Use)
H Transportation- (Use)
49000 Land transport and transport via pipelines- (Use)
50000 Water transport- (Use)
51000 Air transport- (Use)
52000 Support activities for transportation- (Use)
53000 Postal and courier activities- (Use)
I Accommodation and food service activities- (Use)
55560 Accommodation and food service activities- (Use)
J Information and communication- (Use)
JA Publishing, television and radio broadcasting- (Use)
58000 Publishing activities- (Use)
59600 Motion picture and television programme prod., sound recording; radio and televisi- (Use)
JB Telecommunications- (Use)
61000 Telecommunications- (Use)
JC IT and information service activities- (Use)
62630 IT and information service activities- (Use)
K Financial and insurance services - (Use)
64000 Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding- (Use)
65000 Insurance and pension funding- (Use)
66000 Other financial activities- (Use)
LA Real estate activities and renting of non-residential buildings- (Use)
68100 Buying and selling of real estate- (Use)
68300 Renting of non-residential buildings- (Use)
LB Dwellings- (Use)
68203 Renting of residential buildings- (Use)
68204 Owner-occupied dwellings- (Use)
M_N Other business services- (Use)
M Knowledge-based services- (Use)
MA Consultancy etc.- (Use)
69700 Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices; management consultanc- (Use)
71000 Architectural and engineering activities- (Use)
MB Scientific research and development- (Use)
72001 Scientific research and development (market)- (Use)
72002 Scientific research and development (non-market)- (Use)
MC Advertising and other business services- (Use)
73000 Advertising and market research- (Use)
74750 Other professional, scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities- (Use)
N Travel agents, cleaning, and other operationel services- (Use)
77000 Rental and leasing activities- (Use)
78000 Employment activities- (Use)
79000 Travel agent activities- (Use)
80820 Security and investigation; services to buildings and landscape; other businness s- (Use)
O_Q Public administration, education and health- (Use)
O Public administration, defence and compulsory social security- (Use)
84202 Public administration etc.- (Use)
84101 Rescue service etc. (market)- (Use)
P Education- (Use)
85202 Education (non-market)- (Use)
85101 Education (market)- (Use)
Q Human health and social work- (Use)
QA Human health activities- (Use)
86000 Human health activities- (Use)
QB Residential care- (Use)
87880 Residential care- (Use)
R_S Arts, entertainment and other services- (Use)
R Arts, entertainment and recreation activities- (Use)
90920 Arts and entertainment; libraries, mUseums and other cultural activities; gambling- (Use)
93000 Sports activities and amUsement and recreation activities- (Use)
SA Other service activities- (Use)
94000 Activities of membership organisations- (Use)
95000 Repair of personal goods- (Use)
96000 Other personal service activities- (Use)
SB Activities of hoUseholds as employers of domestic personnel- (Use)
97000 Activities of hoUseholds as employers of domestic personnel- (Use)
Total Final Demand-(Use)
Household consumption expenditures (Use)
A Food - (Use)
0113 Food - (Use)
B Beverages, tobacco etc. - (Use)
0120 Non-alcoholic beverages - (Use)
0212 Alcoholic beverages - (Use)
0290 Tobacco etc. - (Use)
C Clothing and footwear - (Use)
0310 Clothing - (Use)
0320 Footwear - (Use)
D Housing - (Use)
0410 Actual rental for housing - (Use)
0420 Imputed rentals for housing - (Use)
0430 Maintenance and repair of the dwelling - (Use)
0440 Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling - (Use)
E Electricity, gas and other fuels - (Use)
0450 Electricity, gas and other fuels - (Use)
F Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance - (Use)
0510 Furniture, furnishings and loose carpets - (Use)
0520 Household textiles - (Use)
0530 Household appliances - (Use)
0540 Glassware, tableware and household utensils - (Use)
0550 Tools and equipment for house and garden - (Use)
0560 Goods and services for routine household maintenance - (Use)
G Health - (Use)
0610 Medicines and health products - (Use)
0620 Outpatient services - (Use)
0634 Hospital services - (Use)
H Purchase of vehicles - (Use)
0710 Purchase of vehicles - (Use)
I Operation of vehicles and other transport services - (Use)
0720 Operation of personal transport equipment - (Use)
0730 Passenger transport services - (Use)
0740 Transport services of goods - (Use)
J Information and communication - (Use)
0810 Information and communication equipment - (Use)
0820 Software - (Use)
0830 Information and communication services - (Use)
K Recreation, sport and culture - (Use)
0910 Recreational durables - (Use)
0920 Major durables for recreation - (Use)
0930 Other recreational goods - (Use)
0940 Garden products and pets - (Use)
0950 Recreational services - (Use)
0960 Cultural goods - (Use)
0970 Newspapers, books and stationery - (Use)
0980 Package holidays - (Use)
L Education services - (Use)
1000 Education services - (Use)
M Restaurants and accommodation services - (Use)
1110 Food and beverage serving services - (Use)
1120 Accommodation services - (Use)
N Insurance and financial services - (Use)
1210 Insurance - (Use)
1220 Financial services - (Use)
O Other goods and services - (Use)
1310 Personal care - (Use)
1320 Other personal effects - (Use)
1330 Social protection - (Use)
1390 Other services - (Use)
998 Consumption by non-residents on the economic territory-(Use)
999 Consumption by residents in the ROW-(Use)
Non-profit institutions serving hoUseholds (NPISH), total -(Use)
Total Government Consumption-(Use)
Individual Government Consumption-(Use)
Market Individual Government Consumption-(Use)
Non-market Individual Government Consumption-(Use)
Total Collective Government Consumption-(Use)
Gross fixed capiatal formation - (Use)
Dwellings - (Use)
Buildings other than dwellings - (Use)
Other structures and land improvements - (Use)
Transport equipment - (Use)
ICT equipment, other machinery and equipment and weapon systems - (Use)
Cultivated biological resources - (Use)
Intellectual property products - (Use)
Inventories - (Use)
Valueables - (Use)
Exports - (Use)