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StatBank Denmark
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[NA ESA2010, DB07] 5 Rest of the world (full sequence) by transaction (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : m DKK
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P.6 Exports of goods and services
P.61 Exports of goods
P.62 Exports of services
D.1 Compensation of employees, receivable
D.11 Wages and salaries, receivable
D.12 Employers social contributions, receivable
D.121 Employers actual social contributions, receivable
D.122 Employers imputed social contributions, receivable
D.3 Subsidies, receivable
D.31 Subsidies on products, receivable
D.39 Other subsidies on production, receivable
D.4 Property income, receivable
D.41 Interest, receivable
D.42 Distributed income of corporations, receivable
D.43 Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investments, receivable
D.44 Other investment income, receivable
D.441 Investment income attributable to insurance policy holders, receivable
D.442 Investment income payable on pension entitlements, receivable
D.443 Investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholders, receivable
D.5-D.7 Current transfers, receivable
D.5 Current taxes on income, wealth, etc., receivable
D.51 Taxes on income, receivable
D.59 Other current taxes, receivable
D.61 Net social contributions, receivable
D.611 Employers¿ actual social contributions, receivable
D.612 Employers¿ imputed social contributions, receivable
D.613 Households¿ actual social contributions , receivable
D.614 Households¿ social contribution supplements, receivable
D.61SC Social insurance scheme service charges (-), receivable
D.62 Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, receivable
D.7 Other current transfers, receivable
D.71 Non-life insurance premiums, net, receivable
D.72 Non-life insurance claims, receivable
D.73-76 Other current transfers, excl. insurance payments, receivable
D.74 Current international cooperation, receivable
D.741 Current international cooperation, other than EU Institutions, receivable
D.742 Current international cooperation, EU Institutions. receivables
D.75 Miscellaneous current transfers, receivable
D.76 VAT- and GNI-based EU own resources, receivable
Total current income from ROW
D.8 Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements, receivable
D.9r Capital transfers, receivable
D.91r Capital taxes, receivable
D.92-99 Investment grants and other capital transfers, receivable
D.92r Investment grants, receivable
D.99r Other capital transfers, receivable
Total income from ROW
P.7 Imports of goods and services
P.71 Imports of goods
P.72 Imports of services
D.1 Compensation of employees, payable
D.11 Wages and salaries, payable
D.12 Employers¿ social contributions, payable
D.121 Employers actual social contributions, payable
D.122 Employers imputed social contributions, payable
D.2 Taxes on production and imports, payable
D.21 Taxes on products, payable
D.211 Value added type taxes (VAT), payable
D.212+D.214 Other taxes on products, payable
D.29 Other taxes on production, payable
D.4 Property income, payable
D.41 Interest, payable
D.42 Distributed income of corporations, payable
D.43 Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investments, payable
D.44 Other investment income, payable
D.441 Investment income attributable to insurance policy holders, payable
D.442 Investment income payable on pension entitlements, payable
D.443 Investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholders, payable
D.5-D.7 Current transfers, payable
D.5 Current taxes on income, wealth, etc., payable
D.51 Taxes on income, payable
D.59 Other current taxes, payable
D.61 Net social contributions, payable
D.611 Employers¿ actual social contributions, payable
D.612 Employers¿ imputed social contributions, payable
D.613 Households¿ actual social contributions, payable
D.614 Households¿ social contribution supplements, payable
D.61SC Social insurance scheme service charges (-), payable
D.62 Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, payable
D.7 Other current transfers, payable
D.71 Non-life insurance premiums, net, payable
D.72 Non-life insurance claims, payable
D.73-76 Other current transfers, excl. insurance payments, payable
D.74 Current international cooperation, payable
D.741 Current international cooperation, other than EU Institutions, payable
D.742 Current international cooperation, EU Institutions. payable
D.75 Miscellaneous current transfers, payable
D.76 VAT- and GNI-based EU own resources, payable
Total current expenditure to ROW
D.8 Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements, payable
D.9p Capital transfers, payable
D.91p Capital taxes, payable
D.92-99 Investment grants and other capital transfers, payable
D.92p Investment grants, payable
D.99p Other capital transfers, payable
NP Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced non-financial assets
Total expentiture to ROW
External balance of goods
External balance of services
B.11 External balance of goods and services
B.12 Current external balance
B.9 Net lending (+)/net borrowing (-)
Interest before FISIM allocation, payable
Interest before FISIM allocation, receivable
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Statistics Denmark