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StatBank Denmark
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Yearly stock statistics on direct investments by investment type, balance, item, country and economic activity (NACE Rev1) (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : DKK bn
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1: Direct investments - excl. pass-through investments
2: Pass-through investments
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2: Inwards
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1.0: Direct investments
1.1.0: Total equity etc. (>=10%)
1.2.0: Total intercompany debt, etc.
1.2.1: Trade credits
1.2.2: Intercompany debt
1.2.3: Other accounts
economic activity
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01: All countries excl. Denmark
10: EU excl. Denmark
11: Euro area
20: EEA and Switzerland
30: Other European countries
40: Africa
50: America
60: Asia
70: Oceania (Australia, New Zealand and others)
80: International Organisations excl. EU Institutions
85: EU institutuions
90: Offshore Financial Centres
00: Not allocated
BE: Belgium
LU: Luxembourg
FI: Finland
FR: France
NL: Netherlands
IE: Ireland
IT: Italy
PT: Portugal
ES: Spain
DE: Germany
AT: Austria
GB: United Kingdom
SE: Sweden
SI: Slovenia
SK: Slovakia
EE: Estonia
LV: Latvia
LT: Lithuania
PL: Poland
CZ: Czech Republic
HU: Hungary
NO: Norway
CH: Switzerland
RU: Russia
TR: Turkey
AD: Andorra
GI: Gibraltar
GG: Guernsey
IM: Isle of Man
JE: Jersey
AL: Albania
BA: Bosnia-Hercegovina
BG: Bulgaria
FO: Faore Islands
HR: Croatia
MK: Republic of North Macedonia
UA: Ukraine
RO: Romania
CS: Serbia and Montenegro
DZ: Algeria
EG: Egypt
Za: South Africa
AO: Angola
BF: Burkina Faso
BI: Burundi
BJ: Benin
BW: Botswana
CG: Congo
CI: Ivory Coast
CM: Cameroun
ET: Ethiopia
GH: Ghana
GM: Gambia
KE: Kenya
LR: Liberia
MG: Madagascar
MZ: Mozambique
NE: Niger
NG: Nigeria
TZ: Tanzania
UG: Uganda
ZM: Zambia
ZW: Zimbabwe
CF: Central African Republic
KW: Kuwait
LY: Libya
MA: Morocco
SN: Senegal
CA: Canada
MX: Mexico
AR: Argentina
BR: Brazil
AI: Anguilla
AG: Antigua and Barbuda
BS: Bahamas
BB: Barbados
BZ: Belize
BM: Bermuda
KY: Cayman Idlands
DM: Dominica
GD: Grenada
JM: Jamaica
PA: Panama
AW: Aruba
BO: Bolivia
CL: Chile
CO: Colombia
CR: Costa Rica
CU: Cuba
EC: Ecuador
SV: El salvador
VE: Venezuela
UY: Uruguay
HK: Hong Kong
IN: India
JP: Japan
CN: China
KR: South Korea
MY: Malaysia
SG: Singapore
TH: Thailand
QA: Qatar
BH: Bahrain
LB: Lebanon
MV: Maldives
PH: Philippines
AF: Afghanistan
AM: Armenia
AZ: Azerbaijan
BD: Bangladesh
BT: Bhutan
KH: Cambodia
AE: United Arab emirates
GT: Guatemala
ID: Indonesia
IQ: Iraq
IR: Iran
IL: Israel
JO: Jordan
KZ: Kasakhstan
LA: Laos
NP: Nepal
SA: Saudi Arabia
VN: Vietnam
TW: Taiwan
AU: Australia
NZ: New Zealand
TN: Tunisia
GN: Guinea
CD: Congo, Democratic republic
MR: Mauritania
MU: Mauritius
MW: Malawi
SC: Seychelles
GL: Greenland
AN: Netherlands Antilles
DO: Dominican Republic
NI: Nicaragua
TT: Trinidad and Tobago
VG: British virgin islands
PE: Peru
PS: West Bank/Gaza Strip
BN: Brunei Darussalam
PK: Pakistan
SY: Syria
AS: American Samoa
MH: Marshall Islands
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1000: All economic activities
1100: Agriculture, fishing and raw materials
1200: Manufacturing
1210: Food products
1220: Petroleum, chemical and plastic products
1230: Metal and mechanical products
1240: Computers, radio/TV and equipments
1300: Energy and water supply, and construction
1400: Trade, hotels and restaurants
1410: Wholesale trade
1420: Retail trade
1500: Transports, post and telecommunications
1510: Water transports
1520: Telecommunications
1600: Financial intermediation
1610: Credit institutes
1620: Financial holding companies
1700: Insurance
1800: Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation and insurance
1900: Real estate, commercial
2000: Business service, etc.
2010: Renting of machinery
2020: Non-financial holding companies
2030: Architectural and engineering activities
2040: Security, surveillance and cleaning activities
2100: Real estate. non-commercial
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(select max. 10000)
Danmarks Nationalbank