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- Structure of business
- 20346Enterprises and groups
- GF11General enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 10-, 19-, and 127-grouping) and unit (2019-2022)
- GF01General enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 10-, 19-, and 127-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- GF1General enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 10- and 19-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2020)
- GF1XGeneral enterprise statistics by industry (9-grouping and 27-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2007)
- GF12General enterprise statistics by municipality, and industry (DB07 10-, 19-, 127 grouping and detailed) (2019-2022)
- GF02General enterprise statistics by municipality, industry (DB07 10-, 19-, 127 grouping and detailed) and enterprise size (full time equivalents) (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2021)
- GF2General enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 127-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2020)
- GF2XGeneral enterprise statistics by industry (111-grouping) and unit (1999-2006) (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2007)
- GF13General enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 19-grouping), unit and enterprise size (full time equivalents) (2019-2022)
- GF3General enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 19-grouping), unit and enterprise size (full time equivalents) (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- GF3XGeneral enterprise statistics by industry (27-grouping), unit and grouping (1999-2006) (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2007)
- GF5General enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 10-grouping), form of organisations and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- GF15General enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 10-grouping), form of organisations and unit (2019-2022)
- GF5XGeneral enterprise statistics by industry (9-grouping), form of organisations 1 and unit (1999-2007) (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2007)
- LABY38AGeneral enterprise statistics by municipality groups, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and age of the enterprise (2019-2022)
- LABY38General enterprise statistics by municipality groups, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and age of the enterprise (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2021)
- GF8General enterprise statistics by region, unit and enterprise size (full time equivalents) (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2021)
- GF14General enterprise statistics by region, unit and enterprise size (full time equivalents) (2019-2022)
- GF6General enterprise statistics by region, industry (DB07, 10-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- GF7General enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 customised-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2020)
- GF4General enterprise statistics by region, industry (DB07, 10-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
- GF4XGeneral enterprise statistics by region, industry (9-grouping) and unit (1999-2006) (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2006)
- GF4LXGeneral enterprise statistics by region, industry (9-grouping) and unit (1999-2006) (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- FGF1XPreliminary general enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 19-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2021)
- FGF1Preliminary general enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 19-grouping) and unit (2023)
- FGF3XPreliminary general enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 10-grouping), unit and enterprise size (full time equivalents) (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2021)
- FGF3Preliminary general enterprise statistics by industry (DB07 10-grouping), unit and enterprise size (full time equivalents) (2023)
- FGF6XPreliminary general enterprise statistics by region, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2021)
- FGF6Preliminary general enterprise statistics by region, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and unit (2023)
- MOMS9Business units registered for VAT settlement by industry and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (1992-1999)
- MOMS7Amount liable to VAT, by industry and by type of amount (DISCONTINUED) (1985Q1-2001Q4)
- MOMS6Amount liable to VAT by industry and type of amount (quarterly) (DISCONTINUED) (1987Q1-1992Q4)
- MOMS4Business units registered for VAT settlement: stock changes by industry, region and movement (DISCONTINUED) (1980-1992)
- MOMS3Business units registered for VAT settlement: distribution by industry and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (1985-1992)
- MOMS11Business units registered for VAT settlement: distribution by region, industry and ownership (DISCONTINUED) (1992-1999)
- MOMS10Business units registered for VAT settlement: stock changes by industry, region and movement (DISCONTINUED) (1992-1999)
- MOMS1Business units registered for VAT settlement: distribution by region, industry and ownership (DISCONTINUED) (1984-1992)
- NYMO1Business units registered for VAT settlement: distribution by industry, region and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (1985-1992)
- MOMS8Amount liable to VAT, by industry and by type of amount (DISCONTINUED) (1983-1999)
- 20829Enterprise groups
- KONC11Enterprise groups in Denmark by size of groups (employees) and unit (2022)
- KONC1Enterprise groups in Denmark by size of groups (employees) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2021)
- KONC2Enterprise groups in Denmark by size of group (enterprises) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2021)
- KONC12Enterprise groups in Denmark by size of group (enterprises) and unit (2022)
- KONC3Enterprises in total and enterprises in a group by industry (10-grouping), statistical source and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2021)
- KONC13Active enterprises in a group by industry (10-grouping) and unit (2022)
- KONC4Enterprise groups in Denmark with two or more active enterprises by Enterprises group size (employees) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2021)
- KONC5Enterprise groups in Denmark with two or more active enterprises by enterprise group size (enterprises) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2021)
- KOMPSEL1Compensation self-employment (experimental statistics) by part of the country and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
- KOMPSEL2Compensation - self-employment (experimental statistics) by industry (DB07) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
- KOMPSEL3Compensation - self-employment (experimental statistics) by education, age groups and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
- KOMPSEL4Compensation - self-employment (experimental statistics) by VAT turnover and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
- KOMPSE2BCompensation - self-employment (experimental statistics) by industry (DB07) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2021)
- KOMPFASTCompensation for fixed cost to date (experimental statistics) by industry (DB07) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020:2021)
- 20096Workplaces and jobs
- ERHV1Workplaces, job, full-time employment, wage and salary cost by industry (DB07) and unit (2008-2023)
- ERHV2Workplaces and job by region, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and unit (2008-2023)
- ERHV3Workplaces and job by industry (DB07 10-grouping), unit and size of workplace (2008-2023)
- ERHV4Workplaces by industry (DB07 127-grouping) and size of workplace (2008-2023)
- ERHV5Workplaces by region and sector (2008-2023)
- ERHV6Workplaces by region, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and size of workplace (2008-2023)
- ERH17Workplaces by industry (DB07) and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
- ERH17XWorkplaces, jobs, full-time employees and wage and salary costs by industry (DB03) (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
- ERH1Workplaces by region and size (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2006)
- ERH1XWorkplaces by region and size (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2001)
- ERH2Annual salary cost for the workplaces by region (DISCONTINUED) (1980-1996)
- ERH3Workplaces by region and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1980-1992)
- ERH4Workplaces by region, industry and size (DISCONTINUED) (1980-1992)
- ERH6Workplaces by region, industry and size (DISCONTINUED) (1990-1992)
- ERH7Employment conditions by region, industry and job title (DISCONTINUED) (1990-1992)
- ERH8Employment conditions by region, industry and activity (DISCONTINUED) (1990-1992)
- ERH13Workplaces by region and industry (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2006)
- ERH13XWorkplaces by region and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1992-2001)
- ERH16Workplaces by region, industry and size (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2006)
- ERH16XWorkplaces by region, industry and size (DISCONTINUED) (1992-2001)
- LABY43Workplaces, job og full-time employment by municipality groups, industry (DB07) and unit (2008-2023)
- LONKOMP1Wage compensation to date (experimental statistics) by enterprise size (full time equivalents) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
- LONKOMPAWage compensation (experimental statistics) by enterprise size (full time equivalents) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020U25-2020U35)
- LONKOMP2Wage compensation to date (experimental statistics) by part of the country and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
- LONKOMPBWage compensation (experimental statistics) by part of the country and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020U25-2020U35)
- LONKOMP3Wage compensation to date (experimental statistics) by age groups and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
- LONKOMPCWage compensation (experimental statistics) by age groups and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2020U25-2020U35)
- LONKOMPDWage compensation (experimental statistics) by industry (DB07) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020U25-2020U35)
- LONKOM4AWage compensation to date (experimental statistics) by industry (DB07) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2021)
- LONKOMP4Wage compensation to date (experimental statistics) by industry (DB07) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
- LONKOMP5Wage compensation (experimental statistics) by education, age groups and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
- LONKOM5AWage compensation (experimental statistics) by education, age groups and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2021)
- LONKOMPEWage compensation (experimental statistics) by education, age groups and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020U25-2020U35)
- LONKOMP6Wage compensation (experimental statistics) by industry (DB07) and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
- LONKOMPFWage compensation (experimental statistics) by municipality and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020U25-2020U35)
- LONKOMGAWage compensation to date from December 2020 (experimental statistics) by municipality of residence (DISCONTINUED) (2021)
- LONKOMPGWage compensation (experimental statistics) by municipality of residence and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2020U25-2020U35)
- 20098Job vacancies
- LS01Job vacancies by industry, unit and size (2010-2023)
- LS02Job vacancies by region and unit (2010-2023)
- LSK01Job vacancies by industry, unit and size (2010Q1-2024Q3)
- LSK02Job vacancies by region and unit (2010Q1-2024Q3)
- LSK03Job vacancies (seasonal adjustment) by unit and seasonal adjustment (2010Q1-2024Q3)
- 20716Board members and managers
- BEST11Board members and managers by type, sex, education, age and residence province (2019-2023)
- BEST1Board members and managers by type, sex, education, age and residence province (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2021)
- BEST2Board members and managers by type, size of company and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2021)
- BEST12Board members and managers by type, size of company and sex (2019-2023)
- BEST3Board members and managers by type, size of company and education (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2021)
- BEST13Board members and managers by type, size of company and education (2019-2023)
- BEST4Board members and managers by type, industry (DB07 19 grouping) and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2021)
- BEST14Board members and managers by type, industry (DB07 19 grouping) and sex (2019-2023)
- BEST5Board members and managers by type, industry (DB07 19 grouping) and education (DISCONTINUED (2014-2021)
- BEST15Board members and managers by type, industry (DB07 19 grouping) and education (2019-2023)
- BEST16Board members by board membership, sex, education and age (2023)
- BEST17Board members by election type, sex, enterprise size and industry (DB07 19 grouping) (2023)
- BEST18Additions of board members by board member, enterprise status, sex, enterprise size and industry (DB07 19 grouping) (2023)
- BEST19Departure of board members by board member, enterprise status, sex, enterprise size and industry (DB07 19 grouping) (2023)
- 21123Gender equality indicator, board members and managers
- LIGEDI6Gender equality indicator of board members and managers by indicator, type, education and age (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2021)
- LIGEDI11Gender equality indicator of board members and managers by indicator, type, education and age (2019-2023)
- LIGEDI12Gender equality indicator of board members and managers by indicator, type and size of company (2019-2023)
- LIGEDI7Gender equality indicator of board members and managers by indicator, type and size of company (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2021)
- LIGEDI8Gender equality indicator of board members and managers by indicator, type and industry (DB07 19 grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2021)
- LIGEDI13Gender equality indicator of board members and managers by indicator, type and industry (DB07 19 grouping) (2019-2023)
- 20102Entrepreneurs
- FVIVXPreliminary new high growth enterprises by industry (DB07 10-grouping) and variables (DISCONTINUED) (2013:2016-2018:2021)
- FVIVPreliminary new high growth enterprises by industry (DB07 10-grouping) and variables (2020:2023)
- VIVNew high growth enterprises by industry (DB07 10-grouping) and variables (2004:2007-2019:2022)
- VIV1Gazelles by industry and variables (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2006)
- VIV2Gazelles by industry and variables (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2007)
- 20833Business demography
- DEMO1Business Demography by industry (DB07 127-grouping), status and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2021)
- DEMO11Business Demography by industry (DB07 127-grouping), status and unit (2019-2022)
- DEMO13Business Demography by industry (DB07 19 grouping) and unit (2019-2022)
- DEMO3Business Demography by industry (DB07 19 grouping) and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2021)
- DEMO14Business Demography by region, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and unit (2019-2022)
- DEMO4Business Demography by region, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2021)
- FDEMO4XPreliminary Business Demography by region, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2021)
- FDEMO4Preliminary Business Demography by region, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and unit (2023)
- DEMO15Business Demography by type of ownership and unit (2019-2022)
- DEMO5Business Demography by type of ownership and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2021)
- DEMO6Business Demography by industry (DB07 10-grouping) and survival rate (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2021)
- DEMO16Survival rate in the Business Demography by industry (DB07 10-grouping), unit and year of beginning (2019-2022)
- DEMO8Business Demography by enterprise size (full time equivalents) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2021)
- DEMO18Business Demography by enterprise size (full time equivalents) and unit (2019-2022)
- DEMO19Business Demography by municipality and unit (2019-2022)
- DEMO9Business Demography by municipality and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2021)
- DEMO1XBusiness Demography by industry, status and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2007)
- DEMO2XBusiness Demography by industry, unit and grouping (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2007)
- DEMO3XBusiness Demography by industry and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2007)
- DEMO4XBusiness Demography by industry, unit and county (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2006)
- DEMO6XBusiness Demography by industry, unit and year of beginning (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2007)
- DEMO7XBusiness Demography Survival rates for firms by industry and year of beginning (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2007)
- 20104Bankruptcies
- KONK1Compulsory compositions by industry and area (DISCONTINUED) (1993Q1-2006Q4)
- KONK2Bankruptcies by industry and region (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2009M12)
- KONK3Bankruptcies by key figures (2009M01-2025M01)
New data 
- KONK4Bankruptcies by industry and type of enterprise (2009M01-2025M01)
New data 
- KONK5Bankruptcies by company age (2009M01-2025M01)
New data 
- KONK6Bankruptcies by turnover (2009M01-2025M01)
New data 
- KONK7Bankruptcies by employed (2009M01-2025M01)
New data 
- KONK8Bankruptcies by region and type of enterprise (2009M01-2025M01)
New data 
- KONK9Bankruptcies (historical summary) by seasonal adjustment (1979M01-2025M01)
New data 
- KONK15Bankruptcies by industry (DB07) and type of enterprise (2009M01-2025M01)
New data 
- KONKEUMNewly registered companies and bankruptcies by indicator and industry (DB07) (2009M01-2024M12)
- KONKEUNewly registered companies and bankruptcies by indicator and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2009Q1-2022Q4)
- KONKBankruptcies by industry and area (DISCONTINUED) (1993M01-2006M12)
- KONK2XBankruptcies by industry and region (DISCONTINUED) (1993M01-2008M12)
- KONK21XCompulsory compositions by industry and region (DISCONTINUED) (1993Q1-2008Q4)
- KONKXBankruptcies by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1979-1992)
- KONK21Compulsory compositions by industry and region (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2011Q2)
- KONK10EBankruptcies (experimental statistics) by key figures (2009U01-2025U01)
- KONK11EBankruptcies (experimental statistics) by key figures (2009M01-2025M01)
- KONK12EBankruptcies (experimental statistics) by key figures (2009-2025)
- 20109ICT in enterprises
- ITAV1Enterprises access to the internet (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2018)
- ITAV2Enterprises e-commerce (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2019)
- ITAV3Enterprises access to ICT skills (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (2014-2024)
- ITAV4Enterprises use of Web-sites and social media (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (2004-2024)
- ITAV5Enterprises use of e-business solutions (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (2007-2020)
- ITAV6Enterprises turnover due to e-commerce (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2019)
- ITAV7Enterprises use of advanced technologies (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2019)
- ITAV8Enterprises use of ICT security (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2019)
- ITAV9Enterprises access to the internet (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (2004-2024)
- ITAV13Enterprises percentage of turnover due to e-commerce (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (2013-2024)
- ITAV12Share of enterprises with e-commerce (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (2008-2024)
- ITAV14Enterprises use of advanced technologies (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (2017-2020)
- ITAV15It security and incidents in enterprises (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (2016-2024)
- ITAV17Enterprises use of 3D print (10+ employees) by use, activity (NACE REV2) and enterprise size (2017-2024)
- ITAV16Enterprises use of cloud computing (10+ employees) by use, activity (NACE REV2) and enterprise size (2011-2024)
- ITAV18Enterprises analysis of Big data (10+ employees) by activity, activity (NACE REV2) and enterprise size (2020-2024)
- ITAV19Enterprises use of robot technology and artificial intelligence (10+ employees) by use, activity (NACE REV2) and enterprise size (2017-2024)
- ITAV20Enterprises use of satellites and Internet of Things (10+ employees) by use, activity (NACE REV2) and enterprise size (2017-2024)
- ITAV21Enterprises use of information sharing and invoicing (10+ employees) by activity, activity (NACE REV2) and enterprise size (2008-2024)
- VITU2Danish business ICT-expenditure per full-time employee by business and ICT-expenditure (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2004)
- VITU207ICT-expenditure per full time employee in enterprises by business (DB07) and ICT-expenditure (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- ITERHVKey figures for the ICT-business in Denmark by industry and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
- VITU107ICT-expenditure in enterprises (DB07) by business and ICT-expenditure (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- VITA1IT usage in Danish enterprises by business and use of ICT (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2016)
- VITAIT usage in Danish enterprises by business and use of ICT (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2008)
- 20941Activities in micro enterprises
- ITAV10ICT usage in enterprises (5-9 employees) by activity (NACE REV2) and topics (2019-2024)
- ITAV11Enterprises e-commerce (5-9 employees) by activity (NACE REV2) and topics (2019-2024)
- 20146ICT use in the public sector
- ITO07Public Sector use of ICT by authority and use of ICT (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
- ITOPublic Sector use of ICT by authority and use of ICT (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2006)
- Business economy
- 20107Enterprise finance and accounts
- 20834Accounts primary industries
- REGNLA4Accounts statistics by industry (DB07) and items (2008-2022)
- REGNLA5Key figures in per cent for accounts statistics by industry (DB07) and items (2008-2022)
- REGNLA1Key figures in per cent for accounts statistics for agriculture by industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- REGNLAAccounts statistics for agriculture by industry and accounts items (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- 20835Accounts non-agricultural industries
- REGN5Accounts statistics by industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- REGN50Accounts statistics by industry and items (2019-2022)
- REGN50AKey figures in per cent for accounts statistics by industry and items (2019-2022)
- REGN5AKey figures in per cent for accounts statistics by industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- REGN1Accounts statistics by industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- REGN10Accounts statistics by industry and items (2019-2022)
- REGN10AKey figures in per cent for accounts statistics by industry and items (2019-2022)
- REGN1AKey figures in per cent for accounts statistics by industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- REGN2Accounts statistics by industry, items and size
(DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- REGN20Accounts statistics by industry, items and size (2019-2022)
- FREGN2XPreliminary accounts statistics by industry, items and size (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2021)
- FREGN2Preliminary accounts statistics by industry, items and size (DISCONTINUED) (2022)
- FREGN20Preliminary accounts statistics by industry, items and size (2023)
- REGN20AKey figures in per cent for accounts statistics by industry, items and size (2019-2022)
- REGN2AKey figures in per cent for accounts statistics by industry, items and size (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- FREGN3Preliminary accounts statistics by industry, items and type of ownership (DISCONTINUED) (2022)
- FREGN30Preliminary accounts statistics by industry, items and type of ownership (2023)
- FREGN3XPreliminary accounts statistics by industry, items and type of ownership (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2021)
- REGN3Accounts statistics by industry, items and type of ownership (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- REGN30Accounts statistics by industry, items and type of ownership (2019-2022)
- REGN30AKey figures in per cent for accounts statistics by industry, items and type of ownership (2019-2022)
- REGN3AKey figures in per cent for accounts statistics by industry, items and type of ownership (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- REGN1XAccounts statistics by industry and items (DB93/DB03) (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2007)
- REGN1AXKey figures for accounts statistics by industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2007)
- REGN2XAccounts statistics by industry, items and size (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2007)
- REGN2AXKey figures for accounts statistics by industry, items and size (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2007)
- REGN3XAccounts statistics by industry, items and type of DISCONTINUED) (1995-2007)
- REGN3AXKey figures for accounts statistics by industry, items and type of ownership (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2007)
- REGN8Accounts statistics (DB07) by region, industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2021)
- REGN80Accounts statistics (DB07) by region, industry and items (2019-2022)
- REGN8XAccounts statistics by region, industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- REGN7Accounts statistics for detailed selected industries (DB03) by industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
- REGN7AAccounts statistics for detailed selected industries (DB03) by industry and items (ratios in percent) (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
- REGN4Accounts statistics by county, industry and items (DB93/DB03) (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2006)
- REGN6Accounts statistics for detailed selected industries (DB93) by industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2002)
- REGN6AKey figures for accounts statistics for detailed selected industries (DB93) by industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2002)
- 20836Enterprises seeking to obtain finance
- ATF1Enterprises seeking to obtain finance by industry (DB07), finance activity and population (2007-2018)
- ATF2Enterprises seeking to obtain finance by type of finance, outcome and population (2007-2018)
- ATF3Enterprises seeking to obtain finance by source of loan finance, outcome and population (2007-2018)
- 20099Purchases and sales by enterprises
- FIKS11Purchases and sales by industry (DB07), amount and seasonal adjustment (2009M01-2024M11)
- FIKS22Purchases and sales (19-grouping) by industry (DB07), amount and seasonal adjustment (2009M01-2024M11)
- FIKS33Purchases and sales (36 og 127-grouping) by industry (DB07) and amount (2009M01-2024M11)
- FIKS44Purchases and sales (detailed) by industry (DB07) and amount (2009Q1-2024Q3)
- FIKS55Purchases and sales by industry (DB07) and amount (2009-2023)
- FIKS9Purchases and sales historic summary by amount (1969-2023)
- FIKS2XPurchases and sales (month) by industry and amount (DISCONTINUED) (2001M01-2008M12)
- FIKS2Purchases and sales DB07 (month) by industry and amount (DISCONTINUED) (2001M01-2012M04)
- FIKS1Purchases and sales DB07 (year) by industry and amount (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2011)
- FIKS1XPurchases and sales (year) by industry and amount (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2008)
- FIKS3XPurchases and sales, seasonally adjusted by industry (9-grouping) and amount (DISCONTINUED) (2001M01-2008M12)
- FIKS3Purchases and sales, seasonally adjusted by industry and amount (DISCONTINUED) (2001M01-2012M04)
- 20328Labour costs
- SAO01Total labour costs for corporations and organisations per worked hour by industry (DB07), components, group of employees and sex (2014-2023)
- SAO02Other labour costs for corporations and organisations per worked hour by industry (DB07), components and group of employees (2014-2023)
- SAO03Total labour costs for corporations and organisations per worked hour by occupation, components, group of employees and sex (2014-2023)
- SAO41Other labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by occupation, components and group of employees (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2010)
- SAO11Total labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by industry (DB07), components, group of employees and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
- SAO04Other labour costs for corporations and organisations per worked hour by occupation, components and group of employees (2014-2023)
- SAO42Other labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by occupation, components and group of employees(DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
- SAO11XTotal labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by industry, components, group of employees and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2007)
- SAO32Total labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by occupation, components, group of employees and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
- SAO31Total labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by occupation, components, group of employees and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2010)
- SAO21XOther labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by industry, components and group of employees (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2007)
- SAO21Other labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by industry (DB07), components and group of employees (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2013)
- SAO2Other labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by industry, components and size (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2001)
- SAO12Total labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by industry (DB07), components, group of employees and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
- SAO1Labour costs in the private sector per worked hour by industry and components (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2001)
- 20630Grants and payments by foundations
- FOND00Grants by foundation type, level of funding and key figures (2016-2023)
- FOND01Grants by foundation type, key figures and purpose (2016-2023)
- FOND02Grants by foundation type, instrument and purpose (2016-2023)
- FOND03Grants by foundation type, type of recipient and purpose (2016-2023)
- FOND04Grants by foundation type, nationality of recipients and purpose (2016-2023)
- FOND05Grants for scientific purposes by foundation type and main areas (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2022)
- FOND06Grants for cultural purposes by foundation type and main areas (2016-2023)
- FOND07Grants for social purposes by foundation type, age groups and main areas (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2018)
- FOND08Grants for nature and environment purposes by foundation type and main areas (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2018)
- FOND09Grants for health and exercise purposes by foundation type and main areas (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2018)
- FOND10Grants for educational purposes by foundation type and main areas (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2018)
- FOND11Grants for business and regional purposes by foundation type and main areas (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2018)
- FOND12Grants for social purposes by foundation type, target group and main areas (2019-2023)
- FOND13Grants for nature and environment purposes by foundation type and main areas (DISCONTINUED (2019-2021)
- FOND14Grants for health purposes by foundation type and main areas (2019-2023)
- FOND15Grants for educational purposes by foundation type and main areas (2019-2023)
- FOND16Grants for business promotion and regional development purposes by foundation type and main areas (2019-2023)
- FOND17Grants for philanthropic and non-philanthropic purposes by foundation type, key figures and purpose (2021-2023)
- FOND19Grants for nature, climate and environment purposes by foundation type and main areas (2022-2023)
- FOND20Grants for research purpose by foundation type, subject area and grants (2022-2023)
- FOND21Grants for green research purposes by foundation type and subcategory (2022-2023)
- OFF2Municipal employees by region, main account, extent of working time, primary/secondary employment and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1983-1995)
- REDSupplementary shipping account statistics by items, unit and size (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2001)
- RED1Shipping account statistics by tonnage and size (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2001)
- RED2Supplemental Accounts Statistics for Shipping by items, unit and size (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2004)
- International enterprises
- 20111Foreign-owned enterprises in Denmark
- IFATSF1Foreign owned enterprises by industry, country and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2021)
- IFATSF10Foreign owned enterprises by industry, country and unit (2019-2022)
- IFATSF20Foreign owned enterprises by countries and unit (2019-2022)
- IFATSF2Foreign owned enterprises by countries and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2021)
- IFATSF1XForeign owned enterprises by industry, country and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2007)
- FATS2XAccount statistic for foreign owned companies by country and items (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2001)
- FATSF1XForeign owned enterprises by industry, country and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2001)
- FATS1XAccount statistic for foreign owned companies by industry, country and items (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2001)
- FATS1Account statistic for foreign owned companies by country and items (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2003)
- FATSF2Foreign owned enterprises by country and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2003)
- FATSF2XForeign owned enterprises by country and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2001)
- FATS2Account statistic for foreign owned companies by country and items (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2003)
- FATSF1Foreign owned enterprises by industry, country and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2003)
- 20112Danish foreign affiliates
- OFATS1Danish foreign affiliates by industry and unit (2010-2023)
- OFATS2Danish foreign affiliates by countries and unit (2007-2023)
- OFATS3Danish foreign affiliates by countries, industry and unit (2010-2023)
- OFATS3XDanish foreign affiliates by countries, industry (DB03) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
- OFATS4Danish foreign affiliates by country and unit (2007-2023)
- OFATS1XDanish foreign affiliates by industry (DB03) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
- 20113Outsourcing
- ORGOUT10International sourcing by population, functions, industry and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009:2011-2018:2020)
- ORGOUT11International sourcing by enterprise, industry (DB07 10-grouping) and functions (2009:2011-2021:2023)
- ORGOUT1International sourcing by population, functions, industry and sourcing (DISCONTINUED) (2009:2011-2018:2020)
- ORGOUT20Jobs sourced internationally by population, industry and type of job (DISCONTINUED) (2009:2011-2018:2020)
- ORGOUT21Jobs sourced internationally by population, industry and type of job (2009:2011-2021:2023)
- ORGOUT30International sourcing of functions by population, functions, destination and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009:2011)
- ORGOUT35International sourcing of functions by population, functions, destination and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009:2011-2018:2020)
- ORGOUT36International sourcing by functions and destination (2009:2011-2021:2023)
- ORGOUT40Enterprise motivation factors for international sourcing by population, motives, industry and importance (DISCONTINUED) (2009:2011-2018:2020)
- ORGOUT41Enterprise motivation factors for international sourcing by industry (DB07 10-grouping), motives and importance (2009:2011-2021:2023)
- ORGOUT50Employment in foreign affiliates by population, functions and geographical area (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
- ORGOUT51Employment in foreign affiliates by population, functions and industry (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
- ORGOUT52Employment in foreign affiliates of Danish manufacturing enterprises by population, functions and geographical area (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
- ORGOUT60Importance of recent events on the organization of global value chains by industry (DB07 10-grouping), type of case and importance (2021:2023)
- OUT2Sourced in the period 2001-2006 by industry, sourcing, functions and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT3Expansion abroad apart from sourcing 2001-2006 by industry, expansion and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT6Kind of business partners sourced to internationally 2001-2006 by industry, type of enterprise, functions and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT7Into which countries are the activities sourced during 2001-2006 by industry, countries, functions and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT8Number of jobs lost within the enterprise 2001-2006 by industry, number of jobs lost and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT9Enterprises sourcing functions back domestically during 2001-2006 by industry, sourcing back, functions and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT10Motivation factors for international sourcing activities 2001-2006 by industry, motives, important and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT11The impacts of the international sourcing activities 2001-2006 by industry, impacts, impact and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT12Barriers for carrying out international sourcing by industry, barriers, important and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT15Into which countries are there plans to source activities 2007-2009 by industry, countries, functions and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT13Number of enterprises which plan to source activities 2007-2009 by industry, functions and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- OUT14Motivation factors for international sourcing activities 2007-2009 by industry, motives, important and population (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- Agriculture, horticulture and forestry
- 20204Agricultural and horticultural economy
- 20792Income, subsidies and taxes
- LBFI1Gross domestic product at factor cost for agriculture by type (1990-2023)
- LBFI2Gross domestic product at factor cost for agriculture by region and type (2007-2023)
- LBFPRIS1Price- and quantity indices for agricultural sales and intermediate consumption (2015=100 and 2020=100) by product and index type (2015-2023)
- LBFPRISPrice- and quantity indices for agricultural sales and intermediate consumption by indices and type (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2016)
- MIPRISQuantity indices for output and intermediate consumption in agriculture by type and base year (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2006)
- PIPRISPrice indices for output and intermediate consumption in GDP for agriculture by type and base year (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2006)
- TILSKUD1Directly subsidies in agriculture by type of grants (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2022)
- TILSKUD2Directly subsidies in agriculture by type of grants (2021-2023)
- TILSKUDDirectly subsidies in agriculture by type (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2017)
- FEOGAXPayment from EU agricultural fund (FEOGA) to Denmark by type (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- FEOGAPayment from EU agricultural fund (FEOGA) to Denmark by type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
- LBF3Direct taxes and duties in farming by type (1990-2023)
- 20793Investments, interest and debt
- JB4Fixed gross investments in agriculture by by type of investment and amount (2010-2023)
- JB2Depreciation and net investments in agriculture by type of investment (2005-2023)
- JB1Fixed gross investments in agriculture by by type of investment and amount (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2016)
- LBF1Gross fixed investments in agriculture by type of farm, kind and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1985-2009)
- LBF2Depriciations and net investments in agriculture by type og investment, kind and price unit (DISCONTINUED) (1975-2009)
- JB3Interest and debt in acgriculture by type of cost (2006-2023)
- RENTInterest and debt in agriculture by type of use, kind and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1985-2009)
- LBF4Gross fixed investments, intrest and debt (average) by type of farm, economic dimensions and type (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2009)
- 20772Profit and loss account
- JORD1Profit and loss accounts for all farms (average) by type of farm, region, standard output, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD2Profit and loss accounts for full-time farms (average) by type of farm, annual work units, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD3Profit and loss accounts for part-time farms (average) by type of farm, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- REGNLA2Financial results and balance by type of farming and account items (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2009)
- REGNOK1Organic farms, financial results and balance by type of farming and items (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2009)
- REGNSV1Specialised pig farms, financial results and balance by opration modes and items (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2009)
- REGNGA1Horticultural holdings, financial results and balance by types and account items (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2009)
- 20774Key indicators - accounts
- JORD6Key indicators for all farms (average) by type of farm, region, standard output, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD7Key indicators for all full-time farms (average) by type of farm, annual work units, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD8Key indicators for part-time farms (average) by type of farm, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- 20773Family farm income - accounts
- JORD4Family farm income for full-time farms (average) by type of farm, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD5Family farm income for part-time farms (average) by type of farm, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- REGNLA3Family income, savings and net capital by type of farms and items (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2009)
- REGNGA2Horticultural holdings, family income, savings and net capital by types and account items (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2009)
- REGNOK2Organic farms, income, savings and net capital by type of farming and items (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2009)
- LHUSAgricultural household income by full-time/part-time, type of farm and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2004)
- LHUS1Agricultural household income by region, full-time/part-time and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2004)
- 20777Economy of agricultural activities - accounts
- REGNPRO1Contribution margin and land return by items and agricultural crop activities (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2021)
- REGNPRO2Contribution margin and net profit by items and agricultural husbandry activities (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2021)
- PGKONV1Conventional agriculture - Contribution margin and land return by agricultural activities and cost items for crops (2021-2023)
- PGKONV2Coventional agriculture - Contribution margin and net profit by agricultural activities and cost items for animals (2021-2023)
- PGOEKO1Organic agriculture - Contribution margin and land return by agricultural activities and cost items for crops (2021-2023)
- PGOEKO2Organic agriculture - Contribution margin and net profite by agricultural activities and cost items for animals (2021-2023)
- 20775Energy consumption - accounts
- JORD9Energy consumption for full-time farms (average) by type of farm, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- 20776A hundred year survey - accounts
- JORD100Accounts statistics through 100 years by type of farm, unit and items (1916-2023)
- 20042Quantities and prices
- ANI301Livestock products ex producer (DKK mio./ndices: 1995=100) (2015=100) by commodity group and index type (2015-2023)
- ANI302Livestock products ex producer (2015=100) by commodity group and index type (2015Q1-2024Q3)
- ANI303Livestock products ex producer (2015=100) by commodity group and index type (2015M01-2024M11)
- ANI3Livestock products ex producer (DKK mio/Indices: 1995=100) by type of product (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2018)
- ANI31Livestock products ex producer (DKK mio/Indices: 1995=100) by type of product (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2017Q4)
- ANI32Livestock products ex producer (DKK mio/Indices: 1995=100) by type of product (DISCONTINUED) (1995M01-2018M12)
- LPRIS10Prices on selected agricultural output by product and unit (2005M01-2024M11)
- LPRIS15Sales prices at pot plants by pot plant type and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2017M12)
- LPRIS16Sales prices at pot plants by pot plant type and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2022M12)
- LPRIS20Price indices for agricultural sale and purchase (2010=100) by product and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2017Q4)
- LPRIS22Price indices for agricultural sale and purchase (2020=100) by product and unit (2020Q1-2024Q3)
- LPRIS21Price indices for agricultural sale and purchase (2015=100) by product and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2010Q1-2023Q4)
- LPRIS25Price indices for agricultural sale and purchase (2010=100) by product and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- LPRIS28Price indices for agricultural sale and purchase (2020=100) by product and unit (2020-2023)
- LPRIS26Price indices for agricultural sale (2015=100) by product and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2023)
- LPRIS27Price indices for agricultural sale and purchase (2015=100) by product and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2023)
- LPRIS30Prices at agricultural output by product and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- LPRIS32Prices at agricultural output by product and unit (2020-2023)
- LPRIS31Prices at agricultural output by product and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2023)
- LPRIS35Prices at agricultural input by product and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- LPRIS36Prices at agricultural input by product and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2023)
- LPRIS38Prices at agricultural input by product and unit (2020-2023)
- LPRIS37Prices for agricultural land and tenancy by region, product and unit (2015-2024)
- LPRISPrice indices for agricultural sales and purchase by type and base year (DISCONTINUED) (2000Q1-2012Q4)
- FODER4Purchace prices for fertilizers, fodder cereals, concentrates and complete feeds by type of fodder (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2013M03)
- KORN1Sale prices for cereals, rape seeds, peas and potatoes for comsumption by crop (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2013M03)
- 20795Farm gate prices
- KAPIT1Farm gate prices on barley and wheat by defined districts and type of crop (1985-2023)
- 21125Ownership of agricultural land
- EJJORD1Ownership of Danish agricultural land by region, unit and country (2020-2022)
- EJJORD2Ownership of Danish agricultural land by type of ownership, unit and country (2020-2022)
- EJJORD3Ownership of Danish agricultural land by size of agricultural area, unit and country (2020-2022)
- EJJORD5Ownership of Danish agricultural land by sex, unit and country (2020-2022)
- 20202Farms and agricultural and horticultural labour
- BDF11Farms by region, unit, type of farms and area (2010-2023)
- BDF07Farms by region, type, type of farms and area (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- BDF107Farms by county, type and age (2006-2023)
- BDF207Farms with area in tenancy by county, type and area (2006-2023)
- BDF51Farms by region and selected farms, crops and livestock (2010-2020)
- BDF52Farms by unit, area and farmers age (1984-2023)
- BDF1974Farms (historical) by county and area (1970-1981)
- BDFFarms by county, type, type of farms and area DISCONTINUED) (1982-2006)
- BDF1Farms by county, type and age (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2006)
- BDF2Farms with area in tenancy by county, type and area (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2006)
- BDF9Farms with non-agricultural activities by county and activity (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2005)
- BDF5Farms by region and selected farms, crops and livestock (DISCONTINUED) (1982-1999)
- BRUG55Farms by region, harmonization requirements and kind (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- BRUG6Farms by region, type of farm and kind (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- BRUG66Farms by region, type of farm and kind (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- 20801Form of organisation
- BDF14Farms by form of organisations and type of farms (2006-2023)
- BDF15Farms by form of organisations and size of farm (2006-2023)
- 20802Tenancy
- FORP1Farms by area in tenancy by unit, area and tenant farming (1982-2023)
- FORP2Farms by area in tenancy by unit, farmers age and tenant farming (1982-2023)
- 20803Employment in agriculture
- MASKMachines and farms with machines by county, area, unit and type (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2005)
- FREDThe yearly preservations by region and sea water (DISCONTINUED) (1917-1980-2000)
- FRED1Protected nature by region and type (DISCONTINUED) (1996)
- FRED2Bird protection areas by region and type (DISCONTINUED) (1995)
- BDF307Employment in agriculture and horticulture by region, unit, type and hours of work (2007-2020)
- BDF6Farm workers by region, number of employees and type of farm (1982-2020)
- BDF7Farm workers by area, number of employees and type of farm (1982-2020)
- 20804Off-farm employment
- BDF807Farms by region and work outside the farm (2007-2023)
- BDF907Farms with non-agricultural activities by region and activity (2007-2023)
- BDF3Employment in agriculture by county, unit, type and working time (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2005)
- BDF4Farms and standard gross margin by type of farms, category and standard gross margin (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2009)
- BDF8Holdings by region and work outside the holding (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2005)
- GAARD1Farms with farm shop by region (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2017)
- GAARD2Farms with farm shop by size of farm (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2017)
- 20887Precision agriculture
- PL1Farms by unit and precision technology (2018-2024)
- PL2Farms by unit, precision technology and education and age (2018-2024)
- 20471Cropland
- AFG07Cultivated area by region, unit and crop (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2019)
- AFG5Cultivated area by region, unit and crop (2006-2024)
- AFG1Crops by crop, unit and area (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2018)
- AFG6Crops by crop, unit and area (1982-2023)
- AFG207Farms and area with selected crops by region, Area with the crop and unit (2006-2023)
- AFG3Farms and area with selected crops by region (province), area with the crop and unit (1982-2023)
- AFG4Farms with cereals by region(2), type of farms and area (1982-2023)
- 20806Fruit trees
- FRUGT4Net area and density of trees for apples and pears by unit, kind and age of trees (2002-2023)
- FRUGT1Holdings with apples and pears by region and kind (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2012)
- FRUGT2Holdings with apples and pears by kind and area (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2012)
- 20807Greenhouses
- VHUSCrops in green house by region, crop and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2017)
- VHUS15Cultures in greenhouse by unit and cultures (2015-2023)
- AFGCultivated area by region and crops (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2006)
- AFG2Farms and area with selected crops by region (County), area with the crop and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2006)
- AGRO3Winter green fields by region and crop (DISCONTINUED) (1988:1989-2003:2004)
- AGRO4Winter green fields by crop and type of farm (DISCONTINUED) (1991:1992-2002:2003)
- AGRO5Winter green fields by crop (DISCONTINUED) (1982:1983-2003:2004)
- 20472Farms with livestock
- HDYR07Farms with livestock by region, unit and type (2006-2023)
- HDYR1Farms with livestock by area, unit and kind (1982-2023)
- HDYR2Farms with livestock by unit and size of herd (2012-2023)
- HDYROEKOOrganic farms with selected livestock by unit and type (2010-2023)
- HDYR1920Livestock (historic) by type of livestock (1920-1981)
- KOMB07Livestock combination with cattle and pigs by region, type and unit (2006-2023)
- KVAEG5Number of cattle by region and type (2008Q1-2024Q4)
- SVINNumber of pigs at the first day of the quarter by type (1998Q1-2024Q4)
- AGRO11Livestock farms by region, harmonization requirements and kind (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- AGRO7Storage facilities for manure by region and type(DISCONTINUED) (1996-2006)
- AGRO77Storage facilities for manure by region and type (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2008)
- BRUG22Livestock farms by region, type of farm and kind (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- BRUG3Large livestock farms (>250 LU) by type of farm, harmonization requirements and kind (DISCONTINUED) (1988-2009)
- BRUG4Livestock units by region and category (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- BRUG44Livestock units by region and category (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- HDYRLivestock by county, unit and type(DISCONTINUED) (1982-2006)
- KOMBLivestock combination with cattle and pigs by region, type and unit(DISCONTINUED) (1982-2006)
- KVAEG4Number of cattle, quarterly figures by type (quarter) (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q3-2009Q4)
- PELS11Number of furred animals by farm information and size of herd (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2020)
- PELS22Farms with furred animals by region and farm information (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2020)
- PELS33Farms with furred animals by region and farm information (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2020)
- PELS44Farms with foxes and chinchillas by unit and size of herd (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2011)
- PELS55Farms with furred animals by size of agricultural area and farm information (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2020)
- PELS2Furred animals by region, unit and type of farm DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
- PELS3Farms with furred animals by unit, species of animals and size (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2009)
- BRUG2Livestock farms by region, type of farm and kind (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- 20473Livestock production
- 20809Prices and quantities
- ANI11Livestock products ex producer by index type (2015Q1-2024Q3)
- ANI1Livestock products ex producer by index type (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2017Q4)
- ANI2Livestock products ex producer (year) by index type (1995-2023)
- 20810Slaughter and production
- ANI4Slaughterings and production of cattle by category and unit (1990-2023)
- ANI41Slaughterings and production of cattle by category and unit (1995M01-2024M11)
- ANI5Slaughterings and production of pigs by category and unit (1990-2023)
- ANI51Slaughterings and production of pigs by category and unit (1995M01-2024M11)
- ANI6Slaughterings and production of poultry by category and unit (1990-2023)
- ANI61Slaughterings and production of poultry by category and unit (1995Q1-2024Q3)
- ANI9Slaughterings and export by category and unit (2005-2023)
- 20811Milk and eggs
- ANI7Production and use of milk by unit (1990-2023)
- ANI71Production and use of milk by unit (1995M01-2024M11)
- ANI8Production of eggs and types of production by unit (1990-2023)
- ANI81Production of eggs and types of production by unit (1995Q1-2024Q3)
- PELS6Production of fur by species of animals (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2021)
- PELS1Production of furred animals by species of animals and unit Preliminary figures for 2016 (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2018)
- 20474Crop production
- 20813Field crops and straw
- FROGrass seed production by crop and unit (1989-2023)
- HALM1Straw yield and use by region, crop, unit and use (2006-2023)
- HALMStraw yield and use by region, crop, unit and use(DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- HST5Forecast on winter crop products for harvest by crop and unit (2000-2025)
- HST6Harvest by crop and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2015)
- HST77Harvest by region, crop and unit (2006-2024)
- HST7Harvest by region, crop and unit(DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- HST1920Harvest by crop (1920-1981)
- 20814Uses of cereals
- KORNThe utilization of cereals by crop, period, origin and type (1995-2023)
New data 
- KORN2Stock and turnover of Danish cereals by crop and agent (2000H1-2024H1)
New data 
- 20815Horticulture and greenhouses
- VHUS1Greenhouses by region and structure (1993-2023)
- VHUS2The greenhouse sectors use by production, greenhousearea in square metre (sq.m.) and area and consumption (2002-2023)
- GARTN1Production of fruit and vegetables by region, unit and crop (2003-2023)
- BAERProduction of berries and stone fruit by region, crop and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2010)
- FL1Area and production of outdoor vegetables by region, unit, type of farming and crop (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2009)
- PLANTNursery sectors structure and production by type (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2007)
- 20475Feed, fertiliser and pesticides
- FODER1Feed Stuffs in Agriculture by type of fodder, origin and unit (1990:1991-2023:2024)
New data 
- FODER2Fodder use in Agriculture by type of fodder and use (1992-2023)
- FODER3Production of compound feed by compound feed and period (1990-2023)
- FODER5Fodder balance by type of fodder, period and use (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- FODER6Value of feeding stuffs by quantity, average price and value (2000-2023)
- KVAEL2Total supply of mineral fertilizers/content of pure nutrients by type of substance and unit of measurement (1983:1984-2021:2022)
- KVAEL3Total supply of manure/content of pure nutrients by type of substance and unit of measurement (DISCONTINUED) (1988-2011)
- PEST1Sales of pesticides used in the agriculture and treatment frequency by group of pesticide and unit of measurement (1981-2022)
- PEST2Total pesticides sale by type of pesticide and unit of measurement (1981-2022)
- KVAEL1Nitrogen balances in the agriculture by sources (DISCONTINUED) (1987:1988-2006:2007)
- PEST3Treatment with pesticides per hectare by crop (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2001)
- PEST4Frequency treatment by group of pesticide and type of farm (DISCONTINUED) (1994-2001)
- 20477Forestry
- SKOV1Forestry area by region and forest area (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2000)
- SKOV10Sale of beech and conifer from Danish forests over 100 hectare by region, species of wood and area (Discontinued) (2006-2014)
- SKOV11Forestry area by region and forest area (1990-2023)
- SKOV55AFelling in forest and plantation in Denmark by region and species of wood (1950-1989)
- SKOV55Felling in forest and plantation in Denmark by region and species of wood (2006-2023)
- SKOV6Felling in forests and plantation in Denmark by region, species of wood and area (1990-2023)
- SKOV9Economic Accounts for Forestry by type (DISCONTINUED) (1985-2018)
- SKOV33Forestry farms by region, size of the forestry farm, cultivation and felling (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2022)
- SKOV4The percentage distribution of defoliation of conifers and deciduous trees (DISCONTINUED) (1989-1998)
- SKOV5Felling in forest and plantation in Denmark by region and species of wood (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- SKOV7Felling in forest and plantation in Denmark by type of ownership and species of wood (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2011)
- SKOV8Economic Accounts for Forestry by type (DISCONTINUED) (1985-2009)
- Fishery and aquaculture
- 20207Fishery
- FISK1Danish vessels by region, unit, type of vessels, length and tonnage (1996-2023)
- FISK2Landings by Danish vessels by region, harbour, unit and type of fish (1996-2023)
- FISK3Landings in Denmark by region, harbour, unit and type of fish (1996-2023)
- FIREGN1Accounts statistics for fishery (total) by vessel length and items (2009-2023)
- FIREGN2Accounts statistics for fishery (average per unit) by vessel length and items (2009-2023)
- REGNFI01Fishery, financial results and balance by account items (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2013)
- REGNFI02Fishery, financial results and balance by vessel length and accountancy items (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2013)
- REGNFI03Fishery, financial results and balance by vessel type and accountancy item (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
- NFISKKey indicators for fishery by vessel length and items (2009-2023)
- 20208Aquaculture
- AKV1Aquaculture by farm type, unit and fish- and shellfish species (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2020)
- AKV11Aquaculture by farm type, unit and fish- and shellfish species (2021-2023)
- AKREGNAccounts statistics for aquaculture by unit, farm type and items (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2020)
- AKREGN1Accounts statistics for aquaculture by unit, farm type and items (2017-2022)
- REGNAKV1Aquaculture, financial results and balance by unit, farm type, and items (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2013)
- REGNAKVKey indicators for quaculture by farm type and items (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2013)
- NAKKey indicators for aquaculture by farm type and items (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2020)
- NAK1Key indicators for aquaculture by farm type and items (2017-2022)
- AKFIREGNAccounts statistics for fishery and aquaculture by industry and items (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2020)
- Manufacturing industries
- 20303Mining and quarrying
- RSTExtraction of raw materials in Denmark by minicipality and different types of raw material (DISCONTINUED) (1989-2006)
- RST01Extraction of raw materials in Denmark by region and type of raw material (2006-2023)
- RST04Unloading of raw materials from the bottom of the sea by region and type of raw material (2007-2023)
- RST4Extraction of raw materials from the bottom of the sea directly from ships(DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- RST9Extractions of salt in Denmark by imports/exports ((DISCONTINUED) (1990-2001)
- RST8Heavy metal emissions from offshore installations in the North sea by type of substance (DISCONTINUED) (1992-1999)
- RST7Oil emissions from offshore installations in the North sea by source of excise duty (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2001)
- RST6Emissions from offshore installations in the North sea by type of substance (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2001)
- RST5Offshore installations in the North sea by sector (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2000)
- RST3Extraction of raw materials in Denmark by municipality and different types of raw material (1990-2023)
- 20211Production and turnover in manufacturing industries
- IPOO1XXIndustrial turnover (non-seasonally adjusted) (2005=100) by turnover and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2013M09)
- IPOO2021Industrial turnover (2021=100) by seasonal adjustment, turnover and industry (DB07) (2000M01-2024M12)
New data 
- IPOO2015Industrial turnover (2015=100) by seasonal adjustment, turnover and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2023M12)
- IPOO1Industrial turnover (non-seasonally adjusted) (2010=100) by turnover and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2018M01)
- IPOO1XIndustrial turnover (non-seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by turnover and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2008M12)
- IPOO2Industrial turnover (seasonally adjusted) (2010=100) by turnover and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2018M01)
- IPOO2XXIndustrial turnover (seasonally adjusted) (2005=100) by turnover and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2013M09)
- IPOO2XIndustrial turnover (seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by turnover and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2008M12)
- PROD01XXIndustrial production index (2005=100) by seasonal adjustment and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2013M09)
- PROD01Industrial production index (2010=100) by seasonal adjustment and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2018M01)
- IPOP2021Industrial production index (2021=100) by seasonal adjustment and industry (DB07) (2000M01-2024M12)
New data 
- IPOP2015Industrial production index (2015=100) by seasonal adjustment and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2023M12)
- PROD01XIndustrial production index (2000=100) by seasonal adjustment and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2008M12)
- IPOI1Industrial orders, working on orders (non-seasonally adjusted) (2005=100) by orders and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2012M12)
- IPOI1XIndustrial orders, working on orders (non-seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by orders and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2008M12)
- IPOI2Industrial orders, working on orders (seasonally adjusted) (2005=100) by orders and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2012M12)
- IPOI2XIndustrial orders, working on orders (seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by orders and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2008M12)
- ORDRE01Industrial orders and sales (non-seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by orders/turnover and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2006M12)
- ORDRE02Stocks of orders duration (months) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2006M12)
- ORDRE03Industrial orders and sales (seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by orders/turnover and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2006M12)
- ORDRE3Industrial orders and sales (1995=100, seasonally adjusted) by orders/turnover and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2002M12)
- ORDRE4Industrial orders and sales (1995=100, varying base years, non-seasonally adjusted by orders/turnover and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2002M12)
- ORDRE5Industrial orders and sales (1995=100, varying base years, seasonally adjusted) by orders/turnover and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2002M12)
- 20210Purchases of goods and services by manufacturing industries
- RAAVManufacturers' purchase of raw materials by commodity group (6 digits) and unit (2002-2022)
- RAAV1Manufacturing industry's purchase of commodities by commodity group (2digits), industry (DB07) and unit (2002-2022)
- RAAV1XPurchase of raw materials by commodity group (2digits) and industry (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2007)
- RAAV2Manufacturing industry's purchase of packaging by commodity group (6 digits), industry (DB07) and unit (2002-2022)
- RAAV2XPurchase of wrapping and packing by commodity group (6 digits) and industry (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2007)
- RAAV3Manufacturing industry's purchase of services by commodity group (6 digits), industry (DB07) and unit (2002-2022)
- RAAV3XPurchase of services by commodity group (6 digits) and industry (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2007)
- RAAV4Consumption of water by commodity group (6 digits) and industry (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2004)
- 20215Sales of goods by manufacturing industries
- VARERIndustrial commodity statistics by Commodity group and unit (1995Q1-2024Q3)
- VARER1Industrial commodity statistics by commodity group and unit (1995-2023)
- VARER2SManufacturers' sales by main SITC groups and seasonal adjustment (2007Q1-2024Q3)
- VARER3Manufacturers' sales by main SITC groups (2007-2023)
- OMS5Manufacturers' sales by industry (DB07), type of turnover and seasonal adjustment (2000Q1-2024Q3)
- OMS6Manufacturers' sales by industry (DB07) and type of turnover (2000-2023)
- OMS1Turnover in manufacturing by industry (DB07) and seasonal adjustment (quarterly) (DISCONTINUED) (2000Q1-2011Q4)
- OMS1XTurnover in manufacturing by industry and seasonal adjustment (quarter) (DISCONTINUED) (1993Q1-2008Q4)
- OMS2Turnover in manufacturing by industry (DB07) (annual) (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2011)
- OMS2XTurnover in manufacturing by industry (annual) (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2008)
- 20356Inventory of manufacturing industries and wholesale trade
- LAG1Changes in stocks (1980) by industry and price unit (DISCONTINUED) (1987Q1-1994Q1)
- LAG2Changes in stocks, manufacturing and wholesale trade (1990) by industry and price unit (DISCONTINUED) (1993Q1-2000Q4)
- LAG3Changes in stocks, manufacturing and wholesale trade (2000) by industry and price unit (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2008Q4)
- LAG4Stocks of manufacturers and wholesale (2005) by industry (DB07) and price unit (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2012Q2)
- LAG7Stocks of manufacturers and wholesale (2015) by industry (DB07), type of stock goods and price unit (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2023Q4)
- LAG6Stocks of manufacturers and wholesale (2010) by industry (DB07), type of stock goods and price unit (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2018Q4)
- LAG5Stocks of manufacturers and wholesale (2005) by industry (DB07), type of stock goods and price unit (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2013Q4)
- LAG5SStocks of manufacturers and wholesale by industry (DB07) and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2023Q4)
- 20078Producer and import price index for commodities
- 20842Producer price index for commodities
- PRIS4015Producer price index for commodities (2015=100) by Industry (groups), market and unit (2005M01-2024M12)
- PRIS4215Producer price index for commodities (2015=100) by industry standard industrial groupings and unit (2000M01-2024M12)
- PRIS42Producer price index for commodities(2010=100) by industry standard industrial groupings (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2018M12)
- PRIS40XProducer price index for commodities(2010=100) by Industry (all levels) and market (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2015M12)
- PRIS40Producer price index for commodities (2010=100) by Industry (all levels), market and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2018M12)
- 20843Import price index for commodities
- PRIS4115Import price index for commodities (2015=100) by Industry (groups) and unit (2005M01-2024M12)
- PRIS41Import price index for commodities (2010=100) by Industry (all levels) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2018M12)
- PRIS41XImport price index for commodities (2010=100) by Industry (all levels) (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2015M12)
- 20844Price index for domestic supply
- PRIS1115Price index for Domestic Supply (2015=100) by commodity group and unit (1981M01-2024M12)
- PRIS1900Price index for Domestic Supply, annual average (1900=100) by index type (1876-2024)
- PRIS11Price index for Domestic Supply (2010=100) by commodity group (DISCONTINUED) (1981M01-2018M12)
- PRIS11XPrice index for Domestic Supply (2000=100) by commodity group (DISCONTINUED) (1981M01-2008M12)
- PRIS11XXPrice index for Domestic Supply (2005=100) by commodity group (DISCONTINUED) (1981M01-2013M12)
- PRIS4615Price index for Domestic Supply (2015=100) by Industry (groups) and unit (2014M01-2024M12)
- PRIS10Price index for Domestic Supply (2005=100) by commodity group and danish/imported (DISCONTINUED) (1981M01-2013M12)
- PRIS10XPrice index for Domestic Supply (2000=100) by commodity group and Danish/imported(DISCONTINUED) (1981M01-2008M12)
- 20845Overall producer and import price index for commodities
- PRIS4315Producer and import price index for commodities (2015=100) by Industry (groups), market and unit (2005M01-2024M12)
- PRIS43Producer and import price index for commodities (2010=100) by Industry (groups), market and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2018M12)
- BRPRIS1XIndustrial output price index (2000=100) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1985M01-2008M12)
- BRPRIS01Industrial output price index (2005=100) by industry and market (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2013M12)
- 20070Cost index for refuse collection, sludge removal and freight transport by road
- BYG91Cost indices for refuse collection, slurry pump and freight transport by road (2022=100) by index type and unit (1997Q1-2024Q4)
New data 
- BYG91XCost indices for refuse collection, slurry pump and freight transport by road (2015=100) by index type and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1997Q1-2023Q3)
- BYG9Cost indices for refuse collection and slurry pump (March 1997=100) by type (DISCONTINUED) (1997Q1-2015Q4)
- 20380Manufacturing industries
- INDU1Employees in the industry by region, job title and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1977-1989)
- INDU2Wage costs in the industry by region and job title (DISCONTINUED) (1977-1989)
- INDU3Industrial activities by region (DISCONTINUED) (1977-1989)
- Construction
- 20214Construction activity
- 20639Construction activity, not adjusted for delays
- BYGV11Total Construction (not adjusted for delays) by region, phase of construction, use and builders (2006Q1-2024Q3)
- LABY37New construction (not adjusted for delays) by municipality groups and use (2006Q1-2024Q3)
- BYGV1Total Construction (not adjusted for delays) by region, condition, use and ownership (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2006)
- BYGV22New Buildings completed (not adjusted for delays) by region, unit, year of commencement, type of building case and use (2006Q1-2024Q3)
- BYGV2New Buildings completed (not adjusted for delays) by region, year of commencement and type of building case (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
- BYGV33Residential Construction (not adjusted for delays) by region, phase of construction, use and builders (2006Q1-2024Q3)
- BYGV3Residential Construction (not adjusted for delays) by region, condition, use and ownership (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
- 20640Construction activity, adjusted for delays
- BYGV80Total floor area (adjusted for delays) by phase of construction and use (1998M01-2024M09)
- BYGV8Total floor area (adjusted for delays) by condition and use (DISCONTINUED) (1994M01-2012M09)
- BYGV88Total floor area (adjusted for delays) by phase of construction, use, builders and seasonal adjustment (1998M01-2024M09)
- BYGV90Residential Construction (adjusted for delays) by phase of construction and use (1998M01-2024M09)
- BYGV9Total Residential Construction (adjusted for delays) by condition and builders (DISCONTINUED) (1994M01-2012M09)
- BYGV99Residential Construction (adjusted for delays) by phase of construction, use, builders and seasonal adjustment (1998M01-2024M09)
- BYGV10Total Construction (adjusted for delays) by condition and use (DISCONTINUED) (1994M01-2012M09)
- 20641Construction activity, scope of revisions
- BYGVFORSChange of reports from the first to the latest report by phase of construction (2006Q1-2024Q3)
- 20642Construction activity, historical survey
- BYGV01Total Construction (not adjusted for delays) by phase of construction, use and builders (1982-2023)
- BYGV02Total Buildings completed by year of commencement, unit, type of building case and use (1998-2023)
- BYGV03TotalResidential Construction by phase of construction, use and builders (1981-2023)
- BYGV04Total Construction by phase of construction and use (1939-2023)
- BYGV05AResidential Construction by phase of construction and use (1917-2023)
- BYGV05BResidential Construction by phase of construction and builders (1917-2023)
- BYGV06Average floor area in new-constructed dwellings by use (1916-2023)
- 20675Turnover in construction
- BYGOMS1Turnover in construction by industry (DB07) and type of work (2015Q1-2024Q3)
- BYGOMS2Turnover in construction by industry (DB07) and type of work (2015-2023)
- 20644Purchases of goods and services in construction
- BYGVHResidential Construction by condition (DISCONTINUED) (1950M01-1983M12)
- BYGR1Purchase of commodities in the construction industry by commodity group (2digits), industry and unit DISCONTINUED) (2012-2018)
- BYGRPurchase of commodities in the construction industry by commodity group (2digits), industry and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2011)
- BYGRXPurchase of commodities in the construction industry by commodity group (2digits), industry and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- BYGT1Purchase of services in the construction industry by servicegroup, industry (DB07) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2018)
- BYGTPurchase of services in the construction industry by servicegroup, industry (DB07) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2011)
- BYGTXPurchase of services in the construction industry by industry and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- 20063Building stock
- BYGB12Buildings by region, ownership, use and areal intervals (2011-2024)
- BYGB11Buildings by region, ownership, use and area in square metre (sq m) (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
- BYGB33Areas of the building stock by region, use, area and year of construction (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
- BYGB34Areas of the building stock by region, use, area type and year of construction (2011-2024)
- BYGB1Buildings by region, ownership, use and area in square metre (sq m) (DISCONTINUED) (1986-2006)
- BYGB3Areas of the building stock by region, use, area and year of construction(DISCONTINUED) (1986-2006)
- BYGB44Areas of the building stock by region, Type of heating, use and year of construction (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2016)
- BYGB40Buildings and their heated area by region, unit, type of heating, use and year of construction (2011-2024)
- BYGB50Buildings and their building stock by region, unit, roofing material, use and year of construction (2011-2024)
- BYGB55Areas of the building stock by region, roofing material, use and year of construction (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2016)
- BYGB66Areas of the building stock by region, outer wall material, use and year of construction (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2016)
- BYGB70Buildings and their floor area by region, unit and use (2021-2024)
- BYGB60Buildings and their floor area by region, unit, outer wall material, use and year of construction (2011-2024)
- 20340Employment in construction
- BYG1Number of persons employed in the construction industry by industry (DB07), kind and seasonal adjustment (2000Q1-2024Q4)
- BYGXNumber of persons employed in the construction industry by industry, kind and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2008Q4)
- BYGNumber of persons employed in the construction industry by industry (DB07), kind and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2000Q1-2012Q1)
- BYG1NSalaried employees in private construction industry (sample based 1999) by type (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q2-2003Q2)
- BYG2NWage earners and working masters in the construction industry by type and kind (Sample based 1999) (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q2-2003Q2)
- BYG3NWage earners and working masters (seasonally adjusted) by kind (sample based 1999) (DISCONTINUED) (1994Q1-2003Q2)
- 20643Indices for the construction sector
- 20920Construction cost indices for civil engineering projects
- BYG61Construction cost indices for civil engineering projects (2015=100) by index type and unit (1986Q3-2024Q3)
- BYG71Construction cost indices for civil engineering projects (2015=100) by index type and unit (1987-2023)
- BYG6Construction cost indices for civil engineering projects by kind and index type (DISCONTINUED) (1986Q3-2015Q4)
- BYG7Construction cost indices for civil engineering projects by kind and index type (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2015)
- 20921Construction cost index for residential buildings
- BYG32Construction cost index for residential buildings (2015=100) by main index, kind and unit (1940-2023)
- BYG42Construction cost index for residential buildings (2015=100) by main index, sub index, kind and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2003Q1-2023Q4)
- BYG43Construction cost index for residential buildings (2021=100) by main index, sub index, kind and unit (2003Q1-2024Q3)
- BYG41Index for glazing (1 kvartal 2005 = 100) by sub index and kind (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2007Q1)
- BYG4Construction cost index for residential buildings (1 quarter 2003=100) by main index, sub index and kind (DISCONTINUED) (1986Q4-2015Q4)
- BYG4XConstruction cost index for residential buildings (jan 1987=100) by work and kind (DISCONTINUED) (1986Q4-2003Q2)
- BYG52Construction cost index for residential buildings (2015=100) by main index, sub index, kind and unit (2003-2023)
- BYG5Construction cost index for residential buildings (1 kvt 2003=100) by main index, sub index and kind (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2015)
- BYG5XConstruction cost index for residential buildings (jan 1987=100) by work and kind (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2002)
- 20922Producer price index
- PRIS90Producer price index for construction of dwellings (2015=100) by type of dwelling and unit (2015Q1-2024Q3)
- PRIS91Producer price index for renovation and maintenance (2015=100) by type of work and unit (2014-2023)
- 20923Index of production
- BYGPROIndex of production in Construction (IPC) (2015=100) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2023M12)
- BYGPRO1Index of production in Construction (IPC) (2021=100) by industry (2008M01-2024M11)
- Trade
- 20053Retail trade index
- DETA11Retail Trade Index (2010=100) by industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2018M01)
- DETA151Retail Trade Index (2015=100) by industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2023M11)
- DETA211Retail Trade Index (2021=100) by industry (DB07) (2000M01-2024M11)
- DETA11XRetail Trade Index (2000=100) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2008M12)
- DETA21Retail Trade Index (2010=100) by commodity group and index type (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2018M02)
- DETA152Retail Trade Index (2015=100) by commodity group and index type (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2023M12)
- DETA212Retail Trade Index (2021=100) by commodity group and index type (2000M01-2024M12)
- DETA21XRetail Trade Index (2000=100) by commodity group and index type (DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2008M12)
- DETA1Retail Trade Index (1990=100) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1993M01-2002M02)
- DETA2Retail Trade Index by commodity group and index type (DISCONTINUED) (1979M01-2002M02)
- GTINRetail of groceries calculated on the basis of transaction data by commodity group and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2018U01-2020U14)
- 21135Wholesale stocks
- LAG8Changes in stocks of wholesale (2015=100) by industry (DB07) and price unit (2001Q1-2024Q3)
- LAG8SChanges in wholesale stocks by industry (DB07) and seasonal adjustment (2001Q1-2024Q3)
- 20083Sales of alcohol and tobacco
- ALKO4Consumption and sales of alcohol and tobacco, subject to excises duties by type (DISCONTINUED) (1921-2020)
- ALKO6Sales of alcohol and tobacco, subject to excises duties by type (1921-2023)
- ALKO3Consumption and sales of alcohol, subject to excises duties by type (DISCONTINUED) (1955-2020)
- ALKO5Sales of alcohol and tobac (2000=100) by type (1955-2023)
- ALKO2Sales of alcohol and tobacco, subject to excises duties, by pop. by type (1921-2023)
- ALKO1Sales of alcohol and tobacco, subject to excises duties by type (DISCONTINUED) (1955-2006)
- 20354Retail and wholesale trade, by goods
- AUTO2015Sale of motor vehicles, repair and maintenance of motor vehicles etc. by industry, product Group and unit type (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- DETA2012Retail trade by industry, commodity group and unit type (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
- DETA2007Retail trade by industry, product group and unit type (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- ENGR2008Wholesale trade by industry, product group and unit type (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2013)
- Accommodation and travel
- 20798All types of overnight accommodation
- TURISTOvernight stay by type of overnight accommodations, region, nationality of the guest and period (1992-2024)
New data 
- TURIST1Overnight stay by type of overnight accommodations, seasonal adjustment and nationality of the guest (2004M01-2024M12)
New data 
- TURIST2Guests by type of overnight accommodations, region, nationality of the guest and period (2018-2024)
New data 
- TURIST4Overnight stay by type of overnight accommodations, region and nationality of the guest (2016-2023)
- TURIST5Daily spends of turists by type of overnight accommodations and nationality of the guest (DISCONTINUED) (2017)
- 20196Hotels, holiday centres and hostels
- HOTEL1Nights spent at hotels and holiday resorts by region, nationality of the guest, unit and period (1992-2024)
New data 
- HOTEL2Nights spent at hotels and holiday resorts by region, nationality of the guest, type, unit and period (1992-2024)
New data 
- HOTEL4Hotels and holiday resorts by region and capacity (1992-2023)
- HOTEL3Hotels and holiday resorts by region and capacity (1992M01-2024M12)
New data 
- HOTEL5Hotels and holiday resorts by region, capacity and type (1992M01-2024M12)
New data 
- HOTEL6Hotels and holiday resorts by region, capacity and type (1992-2023)
- HOTEL7Nights spent at hotels and holiday resorts by region, purpose of visit and period (2004-2024)
New data 
- HOTEL8Nights spent at hotels and holiday resorts by region, purpose of visit, type and period (2004-2024)
New data 
- HOTEL31Hotels and holiday resorts by size and capacity (1992M01-2024M12)
New data 
- TURIST3Hotels and Holiday resorts by certification and capacity (2019M01-2023M12)
- 20499Hostels
- VANDRERNights spent in Youth Hostels by region and citizenship by region, nationality of the guest and period (1998-2024)
New data 
- TURL22Hotels and holiday resorts by region/landsdel and capacity (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2007M12)
- TURR2Hotels and holiday resorts by county council district, capacity and type (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2007M12)
- TUR22Hotels and holiday resorts by region and capacity (DISCONTINUED) (1988M01-2006M12)
- TURR1Nights spent at hotels and holiday resorts by county council district, citizenship and type (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2007M12)
- TUR1Nights spent at hotels and holiday resorts by region, citizenship and type (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2006M12)
- TUR11Nights spent at hotels and holiday resorts by region and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (1988M01-2006M12)
- TUR2Hotels and holiday resorts by region, capacity and type (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2006M12)
- TURL11Nights spent at hotels and holiday resorts by region/andsdel and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2007M12)
- TURL9Nights spent in Youth Hostels by region and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2007M12)
- TUR9Nights spent in Youth Hostels by region and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (1997M01-2006M12)
- 20197Holiday houses
- FERIEH1Letting of holiday houses, monthly by nationality of the guest, unit and period (2004-2024)
New data 
- FERIEH2Future house weeks booked at holiday houses by nationality of the guest, future year and future month (2005M01-2024M12)
New data 
- FERIEH3Letting of holiday houses by region, nationality of the guest and unit (1992-2023)
- FERIEH4Weeks of rental in holiday houses by unit and period (2008-2023)
- FERIEH5Holiday houses for rent by capacity (2012-2023)
- FERIEH6Letting of holiday houses, monthly by region, nationality of the guest, unit and period (2017-2024)
New data 
- TUR4Holiday dwellings rented through Danish agencies by type (DISCONTINUED) (2004M01-2007M12)
- TUR4XDwellings rented through Danish agencies by type (DISCONTINUED) (1994Q4-2003Q4)
- TUR6Contracts, weeks of rental and nights spent in holiday dwellings by region, citizenship and type (DISCONTINUED) (1989:1990-1996:1997)
- TUR7Contracts, weeks of rental and nights spent in holiday dwellings by region, citizenship and type (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2006)
- TUR5Foreign currency by country and revenue/expenditure (DISCONTINUED) (1972M01-1999M12)
- 20198Camping sites
- CAMP1Nights spend on camping sites by region, nationality of the guest, unit and period (1992-2024)
New data 
- CAMP2Camping sites by region and capacity (1992M03-2024M12)
New data 
- CAMP3Camping sites by region and capacity (1992-2023)
- TURL3Nights spent at camping sites by region/landsdel and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (2006M03-2007M12)
- TUR3Nights spent at camping sites by region and citizenship(DISCONTINUED) (1988M03-2006M12)
- 20199Marinas
- LYST1Nights spent at marinas with overnight accommodations by region, nationality of the guest and period (1992-2024)
- LYST2Nights spent at marinas with overnight accommodations by waters, nationality of the guest and period (1992-2024)
- LYST10Nights spent at marinas with overnight accommodations by region, nationality of the guest, period and type of overnight accommodations (1992-2024)
- LYST11Nights spent at marinas with overnight accommodations by waters, nationality of the guest, period and type of overnight accommodations (1992-2024)
- LYST12Marinas by size and capacity (1992-2024)
- LYST13Marians by region and capacity (1992-2024)
- TUR8Nights spent at marinas with overnight accommodations by region, citizenship and season(DISCONTINUED) (1994-2006)
- TURL8Nights spent at marinas with overnight accommodations by region, citizenship and season (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
- 20200Holiday and business trips
- FF1Holidays abroad by destination and duration (2001-2023)
- FF2Holidays by destination, duration and purpose (2007-2023)
- FF3Number of trips by purpose of visit, means of transport, duration and destination (2017-2023)
- FF4Holidays by purpose of visit, type of overnight accommodations, duration and destination (2017-2023)
- Financial sector
- 20272Banks and mortgage credit
- 20837Banks
- DNPNOGLKey figures for banks by key figures, reporting institution and sector for adjusted loans (2003M03-2024M12)
- DNPMBanks' lending and deposits in the overnight money market (DISCONTINUED) (2002Q1-2019Q2)
- DNSEKT1Bank's lending and deposits by type of deposits and sector by balance post item, data type and sector (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2013M10)
- DNBAL1Banks' balance sheets item by country (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2013M10)
- DNUDL1Banks' lending and bonds (assets) by original maturity (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2013M10)
- DNUDL2Banks' lending to domestic households by purpose and maturity (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2013M10)
- DNUDL3Banks' lending to households and industries by balance post item and maturity (DISCONTINUED) (2008M02-2013M10)
- DNINDL1Banks' deposit and bonds (liabilities) by maturity (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2013M10)
- DNBAL2Banks balance sheets item by currency by balance sheet item, country and currency (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2013M10)
- DNPIB2Balance sheets and flows of the MFI sector by balance post item and economic activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009Q1-2013Q3)
- DNPIBBalance sheets and flows of the MFI sector broken down by economic activity (DISCONTINUED) (2000Q3-2008Q4)
- MPK39Profit and loss account of Danish banks by revenue/expenditure (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2018)
- MPK41Danish electronic payment card system by type (DISCONTINUED) (1984-2016)
- MPK43Long-term savings schemes with deposit accounts by type (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2018)
- MPK60Danish electronic payment cards issued (in thousands) Number of transactions (in thousands) Turnover (in DKK million) Number of payments through funds transfer (in thousands) (DISCONTINUED) (2008M01-2017M09)
- DNPINDeposits in total in banks by instrument, data type, sector domestic and foreign, country and currency (2003M01-2024M12)
- DNPINDKDomestic deposits in banks by instrument, data type, domestic sector, currency and maturity (original maturity) (2003M01-2024M12)
- DNPINDKBDomestic deposits in banks by data type and industry (2013M09-2024M12)
- DNPUDLoans in total from banks by data type, sector, country, currency and maturity (original maturity) (2003M01-2024M12)
- DNPUDDKDomestics loans from banks by instrument, data type, domestic sector, currency and maturity (original maturity) (2013M09-2024M12)
- DNPUDDKBDomestics loans from banks by data type, currency and industry (2013M09-2024M12)
- DNPUDDK1Domestic loans from banks to households and businesses by instrument, data type, domestic sector, maturity (original maturity), remaining maturity, time remaining to next interest rate fixation and purpose of loans to households (2013M09-2024M12)
- DNPUDDK2Domestic loans from banks to households and businesses by data type, domestic sector, variable or fixed interest rate, reference rate, instalment, time remaining to next interest rate fixation and purpose of loans to households (2013M09-2024M12)
- DNPUDDK3Domestic loans from banks to households and businesses by instrument, data type, domestic sector, variable or fixed interest rate, reference rate, instalment and purpose of loans to households (2013M09-2024M12)
- 20838Mortgage credit institutes
- DNRNOGLKey figures for mortgage banks by key figures and sector (DISCONTINUED) (2003M03-2023M11)
- DNBAL3Mortgage-credit institutes balance sheet items by type of data and country (DISCONTINUED) (1993M01-2013M10)
- DNRIB2Mortgage-credit institutes balance sheets and flows broken down by balance post item and economic activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009Q1-2013Q3)
- DNEJERMortgage-credit institutes domestic lending by type of property, balance sheet item and maturity (DISCONTINUED) (1993M01-2013M10)
- DNSEKT2Mortgage-credit institutes domestic lending by sector and currency (DISCONTINUED) (1993M01-2013M10)
- DNUDL4Mortgage-credit institutes domestic lending by maturity, type of lending and currency (DISCONTINUED) (1993M01-2013M10)
- DNRIBMortgage-credit institutes balance sheets and flows broken down by balance post item and economic activity (DISCONTINUED) (2000Q3-2008Q4)
- MPK47Profit and loss account of mortgage credit institutions by revenue/expenditure (2001-2023)
- DNRUDDKMortgage loans to Danish counterparties by values, data type, sector, type of interest, instalment, currency and type og property (2022M12-2024M12)
- DNRUDDKBDomestics mortgage loans from mortgage banks by type of data, currency and industry (2013M09-2024M12)
- DNRUDDKIDomestic mortgage loans from mortgage banks by instrument, data type, domestic sector, currency, type og property, variable or fixed interest rate and instalment (DISCONTINUED) (2013M09-2023M01)
- DNRUDDKSDomestic mortgage loans from mortgage banks by data type, domestic sector, type og property, variable or fixed interest rate, time remaining to next interest rate fixation, reference rate and instalment (2013M09-2024M12)
- 20839MFI sector
- DNMNOGLKey figures for MFI-sector by key figures and sector (2003M01-2024M12)
- DNMINDeposits in total in the consolidated MFI sector excl. Danmarks Nationalbank by instrument, data type, sector and currency (2003M01-2024M12)
- DNBALDBalance sheet items of the MFI sector, excl. Danmarks Nationalbank by disaggregated balance sheet items, data type and reporting institution (2003M01-2024M12)
- DNBALABalance sheet items of the MFI sector, excl. Danmarks Nationalbank by aggregated balance sheet items, data type and reporting institution (2003M01-2024M12)
- DNMUF1Loans to households and corporations by methodology, data type, sector and instrument (2020Q1-2024Q3)
- DNMUF2Loans to households and corporations by methodology, data type, sector, instrument, type of interest and instalment (2020Q1-2024Q3)
- DNMUDLoans in total from the consolidated MFI sector, excl. Danmarks Nationalbank by data type, sector and currency (2003M01-2024M12)
- DNMUDLLoans in total from banks and mortgage banks to households and non-financial cor by data type, reporting institution, sector, country and currency (2003M01-2024M12)
- DNM1KORMonetary aggregate and lending, seasonally and not-seasonally adjusted (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2013M10)
- DNFSIFinancial Soundness Indicators by indicator (2005Q1-2024Q3)
- DNSEKT3The MFI-sectors l domestic ending and deposits by balance post item, sector, data type and currency (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2013M10)
- DNBAL4Balance sheets items of the MFI-sector by type of data and country (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2013M10)
- DNINDL2MFI-sector: Deposits by type of deposit, sector, country and currency (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2013M10)
- DNBAL5MFI-sector: Selected balance sheets items by maturity and sector (DISCONTINUED) (2000M07-2013M10)
- DNMFISBalance sheets and flows of the MFI sector broken down by counterpart sector (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-2008M11)
- 20840Danmarks Nationalbank
- DNINTVALInternational reserve assets (IMF compilation) by item, balance, data type and currency (1999M12-2024M12)
New data 
- DNBETALForeign currency liquidity (IMF compilation) by sector, item, data type and credit (1999M12-2024M12)
New data 
- DNVALIIntervention, net purchase of foreign currency, daily observations by item (1999M01D04-2022M12D30)
- DNPRNDThe banks' and the mortgage-credit institutes' accounts (net position) with the Nationalbank (2005M01D03-2025M02D05)
New data 
- DNSNB2Specification on Danmarks Nationalbank's balance sheet by specification and item - Transactions (1987M01-2025M01)
New data 
- DNSNB1Specification on Danmarks Nationalbank's balance sheet by specification and item - Stock (1987M01-2025M01)
New data 
- DNRAReserve assets - stock on foreign exchange reserves by data type, item and currency (2015M01-2024M11)
- MPK38Profit and loss account of Danmarks Nationalbank by revenue/expenditure (2002-2023)
- 20841Credit condition survey
- DNUDPRIVCredit condition survey, lending to households (Net figures) by type of institute, question and period (2008Q4-2024Q4)
- DNUDERHVCredit condition survey, Corporate Lending (Net figures) by type of institute, industry, question and period (2008Q4-2024Q4)
- 20268Consumer credit
- MPK30Consumer credit, end of quarter by type (2018Q1-2024Q4)
New data 
- MPK30XXConsumer credit, end of quarter by type (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2018Q2)
- MPK30XConsumer credit by type (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2004Q3)
- 20269Finance companies
- MPK31Major finance companies, leasing by type (2001-2023)
- MPK58Finance companies profit and loss account by revenue/expenditure (2001-2023)
- MPK57Finance companies by type and New lending / Status end of year (2001-2023)
- MPK59Finance companies balance sheets by assets/liabilities (2001-2023)
- MPK32Major finance companies, lending, factoring and confirming by type and new lending/status (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- MPK33Profit and loss account for major finance companies by revenue/expenditure (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- MPK34Balance sheets in major finance companies by assets/liabilities (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- 20270Investment funds
- DNIFUBALTotal balance of investmentfunds (2018M01-2024M12)
- DNIFSUMNumber of funds and the investors equity (2018M01-2024M12)
- DNIFHVEMInvestors funds investors (2018M01-2024M12)
- DNIFINVEInvestment funds investments (2018M01-2024M12)
- DNIFBALBalance of investment funds broken down by fund category, item and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
- DNIFAMInvestment fund shares/units broken down by fund category, investment type and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
- DNIFAFDInvestment fund shares/units broken down by fund category, country, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
- DNIFIMInvestment fund shares/units broken down by investment type, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
- DNIFRISInvestment fund shares/units broken down by fund category, risk category, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
- DNIFOInvestment fund statistic - selected items broken down by fund category, item, country, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
- DNIFLOBInvestment funds holding of bonds broken down by maturity, country, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
- DNIFVAL1Investment fund statistic - selected items broken down by currency by item, currency and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
- DNINVF1Balance sheets of investment association statistics by item, sector, country and data type (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q4)
- DNINVF2Balance sheets of investment association statistics - Certificates issued by fund category, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q4)
- DNIFVALBalance sheets of investment association statistics - selected instruments by item, country and currency (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q4)
- DNINVFBalance sheets of investment associations by fund category, country, currency, item, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q4)
- 20284Insurance companies and pension funds
- DNFPBALInsurance and pension fund's balance (2015Q1-2024Q3)
- DNFPHENInsurance and pension fund's provisions (2015Q1-2024Q3)
- DNFPAFKLInsurance and pension fund's return on investments by country (2015M01-2024M12)
- DNFPAFKVInsurance and pension fund's return on investments by currency (2015M01-2024M12)
- DNFPINVLInsurance and pension fund's investments by country (2015M01-2024M12)
- DNFPINVVInsurance and pension fund's investments by currency (2015M01-2024M12)
- DNFPVALEInsurance and pension funds currency exposure and hedge by values and currency (2015M01-2024M12)
- DNFPVALInsurance and pension fund's currency exposure and hedge (DISCONTINUED) (2015M01-2024M02)
- 20531Life insurance companies
- MPK50Profit and loss account of life assurance companies by revenue/expenditure (2001-2023)
- MPK51Balance sheet of life assurance companies by assets/liabilities (2001-2023)
- 20532Non-life insurance companies
- MPK52Result on loss account of non-life insurance companies by revenue/expenditure (2001-2023)
- MPK53Balance sheet of non-life insurance companies by assets/liabilities (2001-2023)
- MPK54Non-life insurance by industry and type (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2015)
- 20533Pension funds
- MPK49Pensions funds by assets/liabilities and type (2000-2023)
- MPK55Financial sector, main figures by institution and type (2001-2023)
- Service sector
- 20732Indices of service production
- ISP1Indices of Service Production by seasonal adjustment and Industry (groups) (2009M01-2024M11)
- 20079Producer price index for services
- PRIS15XXProducer price Index for Services (2006=100), by Nace (DISCONTINUED) (2006Q1-2013Q4)
- PRIS3Wholesale price index (1990=100) by commodity group, Danish/imported and adjusted break in series/non-adjusted breaks in series (DISCONTINUED) (1981M01-2002M12)
- PRIS4Wholesale and raw material price index (1990=100) by commodity group and adjusted break in series/non-adjusted breaks in series (DISCONTINUED) (1981M01-2002M12)
- PRIS15Producer price Index for Services (2010=100), by Nace (DISCONTINUED) (2006Q1-2018Q4)
- PRIS1515Producer price Index for Services (2015=100) by industry and unit (2006Q1-2024Q3)
- 20363Services of service industries
- SERV1403Computer Services by services and turnover (Discontinued) (2012-2022)
- SERV2501Turnover in Computer Services (20+ employees) by services (2023)
- PRDST703Computer Services by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- PRDST603Business services for ict by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- PRDST613Business services for ict - IPR by industry (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- PRDST624Business services computer services by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- IT1Computer services, breakdown of turnover by industry and product (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2003)
- IT2Computer services, breakdown of turnover by industry and type of client (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2003)
- SERV1405Advertising services by services and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2022)
- SERV2503Turnover in Advertising services (20+ ansatte) by services (2023)
- PRDST705Advertising services by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- PRDST715Advertising services by industry and media (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- SERV1415Turnover for advertising services by media (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2022)
- SERV2512Turnover for advertising services by media (2023)
- PRDST622Business services for advertising services by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- PRDST615Business services for advertising services by industry and medier (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
- PRDST605Business services for advertising by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- REKLAM1Advertising services, breakdown of turnover by service (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- REKLAM2Advertising services, breakdown of turnover by customer (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- REKLAM3Advertising services, breakdown of turnover by medium (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- PRDST704Temporary employment agencies and other human provision services by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- SERV1404Temporary employment agencies and other human provision services by services and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2022)
- SERV2502Turnover in Temporary employment agencies and other human provision services (20+ employees) by services (2023)
- SERV1414Number of hours sold in permanent placement by industry (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2022)
- SERV2511Number of hours sold in permanent placement by personnel category (2023)
- PRDST714Number of hours sold in permanent placement by industry (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- PRDST623Business services for executive search and permanent placement services by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- PRDST614Number of hours sold in permanent placement by services (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
- PRDST604Business services for executive search and permanent placement by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- VIKAR1Labour recruitment and provision of personnel, breakdown of turnover by industry and service (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2003)
- VIKAR2Temporary employment agencies by industry and customer (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2003)
- VIKAR3Sold hours of temporary services by type of staff (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2003)
- PRDST808Legal activities by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
- PRDST308Legal activities by services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
- SERV1408Legal activities by services and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2022)
- SERV2504Turnover in Legal activities (5+ employees) by services (2023)
- PRDST608Business services for legal services by services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
- SERV1418Engineering activities and related technical consultancy by services and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2021)
- SERV2509Turnover in Engineering activities and related technical consultancy (20+ employees) by services (2023)
- PRDST818Engineering activities and related technical consultancy by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2011)
- PRDST718Engineering activities and related technical consultancy by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- PRDST618Business services for engineering activities and related technical consultancy by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- RADGIVN1Engineering consultancy activities, breakdown of turnover by industry and product (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2003)
- RADGIVN2Engineering consultancy activities, breakdown of turnover by industry and customer (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- RADGIVN3Engineering consultancy activities, breakdown of turnover by industry and market segment (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2002)
- PRDST817Technical testing and analysis by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2011)
- SERV1417Technical testing and analysis by services and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2021)
- SERV2508Turnover in Technical testing (20+ employees) and analysis by services (2023)
- PRDST717Technical testing and analysis by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- PRDST617Business services for technical testing and analysis by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- SERV1416Architecture by services and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2021)
- SERV2507Turnover in Architecture (20+ employees) by services (2023)
- PRDST716Architecture by services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
- PRDST616Business services for architecture by service and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- SERV1420Market research and public opinion polling by services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2021)
- SERV2510Turnover in Market research and public opinion polling (20+ employees) by services (2023)
- PRDST720Market research and public opinion polling by services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
- PRDST620Business services for market research and Public opinion polling services by service and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- MARKED1Business and management consultancy questionnaire, breakdown of turnover by service (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- MARKED2Business and management consultancy questionnaire, breakdown of turnover by customer (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- SERV1406Accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities by services and turnover and export (2012-2022)
- PRDST806Accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2012)
- PRDST621Business services for accounting, bookkeeping and auditing services by service and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- PRDST606Business services for accounting, bookkeeping and auditing by services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- BOGREV1Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing services Breakdown of turnover by service (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- BOGREV2Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing services Breakdown of turnover by customer (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- PRDST807Other business and management consultancy activities by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2012)
- SERV1407Other business and management consultancy activities by services and turnover (2012-2022)
- PRDST607Business services for other business and management consultancy by services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- AND1Business and management consultancy, turnover by service (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- AND2Business and management consultancy questionnaire, breakdown of turnover by customer (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
- REN1Business services for cleaning activities by industry, service and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2005)
- REN2Business services for cleaning activities by industry and customer (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2005)
- PRDST725Catering by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- PRDST726Organisation of conventions, trade shows and exhibitions by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- PRDST727Security and investigation services by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- PRDST610Business services for call centres by services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- PRDST609Business services for design by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED (2006)
- PRDST601Breakdown of turnover by forwarding agents by form of transportation and type of supplier (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- PRDST602Distribution of turnover by forwarding agents by currency (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- PRDST611Business services for forwarding agents by services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- PRDST809Activities of interior designer, fashion design and industrial plan design by industry, services and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2008)
- PRDST619Business services for business and management consultancy services by service and turnover and export (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- PRDST612Business services by industry and clients (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
- Business tendency surveys
- 20115Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry
- BARO1Trends in industry, quarterly by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment and progress (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2024Q4)
- BARO1XIndustrial trends by industry, indicator, assessment and progress(DISCONTINUED) (1990Q1-2008Q4)
- BARO2Assessments in industry, quarterly by industry (DB07), indicator and assessment (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2024Q4)
- BARO2XAssessments at the end of period (preceding quarter) by industry, indicator and assessment(DISCONTINUED) (1990Q1-2008Q4)
- BARO3Production limitations in industry by industry (DB07) and type (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2024Q4)
- BARO3XLimits to production (end of preceding quarter) by industry and type(DISCONTINUED) (1990Q1-2008Q4)
- BARO4Capacity utilisation in industry by industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2024Q4)
- BARO4XCapacity utilisation (end of preceding quarter) by industry(DISCONTINUED) (1990Q1-2008Q4)
- BARO5Confidence indicator (current quarter) by industry and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (1990Q1-2000Q4)
- BARO6Trends in industry, monthly by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment and progress (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2024M12)
- BARO6XIndustrial trends by industry, indicator, assessment and progress(DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2008M12)
- BARO7Assessments in Industry, monthly by industry (DB07), indicator and assessment (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2024M12)
- BARO7XAssessments at the end of period (preceding month) by industry, indicator and assessment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2008M12)
- BARO8Confidence indicator for the Industry by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2024M12)
- BARO8XConfidence indicator (coming 3 months) Quarrying and manufacturing by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2008M12)
- BARO9Duration of production, in number of months, ensured by current order-book by industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2024Q4)
- KBI1Trends in industry, monthly by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment and progress (2005M01-2025M01)
- KBI2Assessments in Industry by industry (DB07), indicator and assessment (2005M01-2025M01)
- KBI3Production limitations in industry by industry (DB07) and cause (2005M01-2025M01)
- KBI4Capacity utilisation in industry by industry (DB07) (2005Q1-2025Q1)
- KBI5Assessment of production capacity by industry (DB07) and assessment (2005Q1-2025Q1)
- KBI6The competitive situation on the export markets in industry by industry (DB07), indicator and assessment (2005Q1-2025Q1)
- BARO1KTrends in industry, balances, quarterly (seasonally adjusted) by indicator, seasonal adjustment and progress (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2024Q4)
- BARO2KAssessments in Industry, balances,quarterly (seasonally- and break adjusted) by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2024Q4)
- BARO6KTrends in industry, balances, monthly (seasonally adjusted) by indicator, seasonal adjustment and progress (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2024M12)
- BARO7KAssessments in Industry, balances, monthly (seasonally- and break adjusted) by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2024M12)
- BARO8KConfidence indicator for the Industry (break adjusted) by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2024M12)
- 20116Tendency survey for the construction industry
- KBYG11Trends in Construction by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment and progress (2005M01-2025M01)
- KBYG1Course of development in the construction industry by industry (DB07), activity, indicator, assessment and progress (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2010M12)
- KBYG1XCourse of development in the construction industry by industry, activity, indicator, assessment and progress (DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2008M12)
- KBYG22Orderbook-levels in Construction by industry (DB07) and assessment (2005M01-2025M01)
- KBYG2New orders (at the end of the previous month) by industry (DB07), activity, indicator and assessment (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2010M12)
- KBYG2XNew orders (at the end of the previous month) by industry, activity, indicator and assessment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2008M12)
- KBYG33Production limitations in Construction by industry (DB07) and type (2005M01-2025M01)
- KBYG3Limits to productions (at the end of the previous month) by industry (DB07), activity and type (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2010M12)
- KBYG3XLimits to productions (at the end of the previous month) by industry, activity and type´(DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2008M12)
- KBYG3XXShortage of manpower by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1986Q1-1997Q4)
- KBYG44Confidence indicator for Construction by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2024M12)
- KBYG4The confidence indicator (next 3 months) by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2010M12)
- KBYG4XThe confidence indicator (next 3 months) by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2008M12)
- KBYG55Course of development in the construction industry (next 3 months, balance) by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2019M01)
- KBYG5Course of development in the construction industry (next 3 months, balance) by activity, indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2010M12)
- KBYG5XCourse of development in the construction industry (next 3 months, balance) by activity, indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M01-2008M12)
- KBYG66Duration of work, in number of months, ensured by current order-book by industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2024M12)
- 20729Construction industry, seasonally adjusted and break-adjusted
- KBYG11KTrends in Construction, balances (seasonally adjusted) by industry (DB07), indicator, seasonal adjustment and progress (2005M01-2025M01)
- KBYG22KOrderbook-levels in Construction, balances (seasonally- and break adjusted) by industry (DB07), indicator and seasonal adjustment (2005M01-2025M01)
- KBYG44KConfidence indicator for Construction (break adjusted) by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2024M12)
- 20117Tendency survey for retail trade
- KBD1Trends in Retrail Trade by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment and progress (2011M05-2025M01)
- KBD2Assessment of stock in Retail Trade by industry (DB07) and assessment (2011M05-2025M01)
- KBD3Confidence Indicator for Retail Trade by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2011M05-2024M12)
- KBD1KTrends in Retail Trade, balances (seasonally adjusted) by industry, indicator, seasonal adjustment and progress (DISCONTINUED) (2011M05-2024M12)
- KBD2KAssessment of stock in Retail Trade, balance (sasonally- and break adjusted) by industry, indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2011M05-2024M12)
- KBD3KConfidence indicator for Retail Trade (break adjusted) by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2011M05-2024M12)
- 20118Tendency survey for the service industry
- KBS1Trends in Services by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment and progress (2011M05-2025M01)
- KBS2Production limitations in Services by industry (DB07) and type (2011M05-2025M01)
- KBS3Capacity utilisation in Services (end of preceding month) by industry (DB07) (2011M05-2025M01)
- KBS4Confidence indicator for Services by indicator and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2011M05-2024M12)
- KBS1KTrends in Services, balances by indicator, seasonal adjustment and progress (DISCONTINUED) (2011M05-2024M12)
- KSERV1Developments in the service sector by industry (DB07), size, indicator, assessment and progress (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2011M07)
- KSERV1XDevelopments in the service sector by industry, size, indicator, assessment and progress (DISCONTINUED (2000M04-2008M12)
- KSERV2Conditions and expectations in the service sector by industry (DB07), size and assessment (DISCONTINUED) (2005M01-2011M07)
- KSERV2XConditions and expectations in the service sector by industry, size and assessment (DISCONTINUED) (2000M04-2008M12)
- KSERV3Composite short-term economic trend in the service sector by seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2000M04-2011M07)
- KSERV3XComposite short-term economic trend in the service sector by seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2000M04-2008M12)
- 20119Investment survey for business
- IFI01RInvestment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07), calculation (time of collection) and progress (2010-2025)
- INVEST1Investment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07) and calculation (time of collection) (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- INVESTBInvestment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07), infuencing conditions and assessment (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2021)
- IFIBInvestment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07) and influencing conditions (2010-2025)
- IFIFInvestment survey in manufacturing industries by industry and purpose (2010-2025)
- INVESTFInvestment survey in manufacturing industries by industry and purpose (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2021)
- INVEST2Investment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2021)
- IFI01Investment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07) and assessment (2010-2025)
- IFI02RInvestment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07), calculation (time of collection), investment Category and assessment (2010-2025)
- IFI02Investment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07), investment Category and assessment (2010-2024)
- IFS01RInvestment survey in Services by industry (DB07), calculation (time of collection) and progress (2021-2025)
- IFSBInvestment survey in Services by industry (DB07) and influencing conditions (2021-2025)
- IFSFInvestment survey in Services by industry and purpose (2021-2025)
- IFS01Investment survey in Service by industry (DB07) and assessment (2021-2025)
- IFS02RInvestment survey in Services by industry (DB07), calculation (time of collection), investment Category and assessment (2021-2025)
- IFS02Investment survey in Services by industry (DB07), investment Category and assessment (2021-2024)
- 20767Sentiment indicators for business
- TILLIDSentiment indicators for businesses by indicator (DISCONTINUED) (1990M01-2024M12)
- ETILLIDSentiment indicators for businesses by indicator (1998M01-2025M01)
- 20433Business cycle
- KONCYK1Bysiness Cycle Tracer by industry and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1998M02-2024M05)
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