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- Educational status of the population
- 20139Educational attainment
- HFUDD10Educational attainment (15-69 years) by region, ancestry, highest education completed, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2019)
- HFUDD11Educational attainment (15-69 years) by region, ancestry, highest education completed, age and sex (2008-2023)
- KRHFU1Highest attained education of the population (15-69 years) by region, ancestry, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2015)
- KRHFU2Highest attained education of the population (15-69 year) by region, highest education completed, socioeconomic status, industry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2014)
- HFUDD15Educational attainment (15-69 years) by region, highest education completed, socioeconomic status, industry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2018)
- HFUDD16Educational attainment (15-69 years) by region, highest education completed, socioeconomic status, industry, age and sex (2008-2022)
- HFUDD20Educational attainment (15-29 years) by region, ancestry, highest education completed, receiving education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2019)
- HFUDD21Educational attainment (15-29 years) by region, ancestry, highest education completed, receiving education, age and sex (2008-2023)
- LABY19Educational attainment (15-69 years) (number) by municipality groups, highest education completed and age (2008-2023)
- LABY19AEducational attainment (15-69 years) (share in per cent)) by municipality groups and highest education completed (2008-2023)
- KRHFU315-29 year-olds, education by region, ancestry, highest education completed, receiving education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2015)
- HFU1Educational attainment of the population (15-69 years) by region, ancestry, education, age, and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2006)
- HFU2Educational attainment of the population (15-69 year) by region, highest degree completed, socioeconomic status, industry, age, and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2006)
- HFU3Educational attainment of the youth by region, ancestry, highest education completed, receiving education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2006)
- LIGEUB1Educational attainment (15-69 years) by region, ancestry, highest education completed, age and sex (2005-2023)
- 21118Gender equality indicator, educational attainment
- LIGEUI1Gender equality indicator of educational attainment (15-69 years) by highest education completed, age, region and ancestry (2005-2023)
- LIGEUI0Gender equality indicator on educational attainment by highest education completed and age (1986-2023)
- 20408Upper secondary education status of young people
- STATUS1018-25 year-olds, upper secondary school or vocational education by educational graduation statement, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- STATUSU118-25 year-olds, upper secondary school or vocational education by educational graduation statement, education, age, sex and ancestry (2008-2023)
- AFGANG0318 - 25 year-olds, upper secondary school or vocational education by status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2014)
- AFGANG4018-25 year-olds by status for upper secondary school and vocational education, age and parents attainment (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2014)
- STATUS1218-25 year-olds by status for upper secondary school and vocational education, age and parents attainment (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- STATUSU218-25 year-olds by educational graduation statement, education, age and parents attainment (2008-2023)
- AFGANG4118-25 year-olds by status, age and parents income level (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2014)
- STATUS1418-25 year-olds by status for upper secondary school and vocational education, age and parents income level (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- STATUSU318-25 year-olds by educational graduation statement, age and parents income level (2008-2023)
- AFGANG4218-25 year-olds, upper secondary school and vocational education, by status, age and parents employment status (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2014)
- STATUS1618-25 year-olds, upper secondary school and vocational education, by status, age and parents employment status (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- STATUSU418-25 year-olds by educational graduation statement, age and parents employment status (2008-2023)
- STATUS1818-25 year-olds, upper secondary school and vocational education by status, age and grade average from basic shool (Danish and Math) (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- STATUSU518-25 year-olds by educational graduation statement, age and type of institution from basic school (2008-2023)
- STATUSU618-25 year-olds by educational graduation statement, education and basic school location (2008-2023)
- STATUSU718-25 year-olds by educational graduation statement, age and grade average from basic shool (Danish and Math) (2008-2023)
- STATUS2418-25 year-olds by status for upper secondary school and vocational education, age and grade average from basic shool (Danish and Math) (DISCONTINUED (2005-2022)
- AFGANG4318-25 year-olds, upper secondary school and vocational education by status, age and grade average from basic shool (Danish and Math) (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2014)
- STATUS2018-25 year-olds by status for upper secondary school and vocational education, age and type of institution from basic school (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- AFGANG4418-25 year-olds, upper secondary school and vocational education by status, age and type of institution from basic school (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2014)
- STATUS2218-25 year-olds, upper secondary school and vocational education by status, age, sex, basic school location and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- AFGANG4518-25 year-olds, upper secondary school and vocational education by status, age, sex, basic school location and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2014)
- LABY36A20 year-olds upper secondary school (share in per cent)) by municipality groups and educational graduation statement (2008-2023)
- LABY3618-25 year-olds upper secondary school by educational graduation statement, education, age and municipality groups (2008-2023)
- 20409Higher education status of adults
- AFGANG0418-25 year-olds, higher education by status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2014)
- STATUS4025 - 45 year-olds, higher education by educational graduation statement, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- STATUSV125-45 year-olds, higher education by educational graduation statement, education, age, sex and ancestry (2008-2023)
- AFGANG4625-45 year-olds, higher education by status, age and parents educational attainment (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2014)
- STATUSV225-45 year-olds, by status for higher education, age and parents attainment (2008-2023)
- STATUS4225-45 year-olds, higher education by status, age and parents educational attainment (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- STATUSV325-45 year-olds, higher education by educational graduation statement, age and parents income level (2008-2023)
- STATUS4425-45 year-olds, higher education by status for higher education, age and parents income level (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- AFGANG4725-45 year-olds, higher education by status for higher education, age and parents income level (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2014)
- STATUS4625-45 year-olds, higher education by status, age and parents employment status (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- STATUSV425-45 year-olds, higher education by status, age and parents employment status (2008-2023)
- AFGANG4825-45 year-olds, higher education by status, age and parents employment status (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2014)
- STATUSV525-45 year-olds by educational graduation statement, education and basic school location (2008-2023)
- STATUSV625-45 year-olds by educational graduation statement, age and upper secondary grade (2008-2023)
- STATUS5425-45 year-olds by status for higher education, age and upper secondary grade (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- AFGANG4925-45 year-olds, higher education by status, age and upper secondary grade (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2014)
- STATUS4825-45 year-olds, higher education by status, age and upper secondary grade (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- AFGANG5025-45 year-olds, higher education by status, age, sex, basic school location and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2014)
- STATUS5025-45 year-olds, higher education by status, age, sex, basic school location and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2022)
- Full-time education programmes
- 20129Education across levels
- U1107Enrolled by municipality of residence, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- UDDAKT10Educational activity by region, education (DISCED-15), age, sex and status (2005-2023)
- UDDALL10Educational activity by region, education (DDU), age, sex and status (2005-2023)
- U11Enrolled by municipality of residence, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
- U1207Enrolled by location of educational institution, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- UDDAKT11Educational activity by location of educational institution, education, age, sex and status (2005-2023)
- U12Enrolled by location of educational institution, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
- UDDAKT12Educational activity by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex and status (2005-2023)
- U13Enrolled by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U2107Entrants by municipality of residence, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U21Entrants by county, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
- U2207Entrants by location of educational institution, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U22Entrants by location of educational institution, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
- U23Entrants by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U3107Graduates by municipality of residence, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U31Graduates by municipality of residence, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
- U3207Graduates by location of educational institution, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U33Graduates by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U32Graduates by location of educational institution, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
- ELEVEnrolled at folk high schools and youth folk high schools by region (county), highest education completed, type of course, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2001)
- LIGEUB6Educational activity on STEM-educations by education and sex (2005-2023)
- 21119Gender equality indicator, education across levels
- LIGEUI6Gender equality indicator of educational activity on STEM-educations by education (2005-2023)
- LIGEUI3Gender equality indicator of educational activity by education, age and region (2005-2023)
- 20130Primary and lower secondary education
- UDDAKT20Educational activity in basic school by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex, type of institution from basic school, region and status (2005-2023)
- U1907Enrolled, basic school by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex, type of institution and region (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U19Enrolled, basic school by age, ancestry, national origin, sex, type of institution and region (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- U192Enrolled, basic school (provisional data) by location of educational institution, grade and type of institution (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2014)
- UDDAKT23Enrolled, basic school by grade, type of school and special needs education per week (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2015)
- U193Enrolled, basic school by grade, type of school and special needs education per week (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2014)
- U194Enrolled, basic school by grade, type of school, municipality of residence and special needs education (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2014)
- SPECIAL1Enrolled, basic school (public scools) by grade, type of school, special needs education, ancestry and sex (2011-2023)
- SPECIAL2Enrolled, basic school by class, special needs education, ancestry and sex (2011-2023)
- SPECIAL3Enrolled, basic school (continuation schools) by special needs education (2011-2022)
- UDDAKT22Enrolled, basic school by grade, type of school, region, special needs education, ancestry and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2015)
- U2907Entrants, basic school by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex, type of institution and region (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U29Entrants, basic school by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex, type of institution and region (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- U3907Graduates, basic school by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex, type of institution and region (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U39Graduates, basic school by age, ancestry, national origin, sex, type of institution and region (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- KVOTIENClass quotients, primary schools by region, grade and type of school (2009-2023)
- LABY23Educational activity in basic school (number) by status, education, type of institution from basic school and municipality groups (2007-2023)
- LABY23AEducational activity in basic school per October 1st (share in per cent) by municipality groups and type of institution from basic school (2007-2023)
- LABY47The share of children in primary school who live less than 2 km from school by municipality groups (2008-2021)
- 21120Gender equality indicator, primary and lower secondary education
- LIGEUI4XGender equality indicator on people with special needs education in basic school by grade, region and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2015)
- LIGEUI4Gender equality indicator on people with special needs education in basic school (public scools) by indicator, class and ancestry (2011-2023)
- 20131Upper secondary education
- U19107Enrolled, upper secondary school by education, region, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- UDDAKT30Educational activity in upper secondary school by education, region of residence, ancestry, national origin, sex and status (2005-2023)
- U191Enrolled, upper secondary school by education, region, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- U29107Entrants, upper secondary school by education, region, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U291Entrants, upper secondary school by region, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- U39107Graduates, upper secondary school by education, region, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- U391Graduates, upper secondary school by education, region, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- U14Enrolled,, vocational education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- UDDAKT34Educational activity at upper secondary vocational educations by education (DISCED-15), age, ancestry, national origin, sex, status and education part (2005-2023)
- EUD34Educational activity at upper secondary vocational educations by education (DDU), age, ancestry, national origin, sex, status and education part (2005-2023)
- UDDAKT35Educational activity at upper secondary vocational educations by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex, status and enrolment type (2005-2023)
- U24Entrants, vocational education and training by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- U34Graduates, vocational education and training by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- EUD1Enrolled, vocational education and training by region, education, age, enrolment type, ancestry and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- EUD1XEnrolled, vocational education and training by county, education, age, enrolment type, ancestry and sex, (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- EUD2Entrants, vocational education and training by region, education, age, enrolment type, ancestry and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- EUD2XEntrants, vocational education and training by area, education, age enrolment type, national origin and sex, (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- EUD3Number of drop-outs in vocational education and training by region, education, age, enrolment type, ancestry and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- EUD3XDrop-outs, vocational education and training by area, education, age, enrolment type, national origin and sex, (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- EUD4XGraduates, vocational education and training by area, education, enrolment type, national origin and sex, (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- EUD4Graduates, vocational education and training by area, education, enrolment type, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- LABY48The average distance to upper secondary education. by municipality groups and education (2008-2021)
- 20133Higher education
- UDDAKT40Educational activity at short cycle higher educations by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex and status (2005-2023)
- U15Enrolled, short cycle higher education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- U25Entrants, short-cycle higher education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- U35Graduates, short-cycle higher education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- UDDAKT50Educational activity at medium cycle higher educations by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex and status (2005-2023)
- U16Enrolled, medium cycle higher education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- U26Entrants, medium-cycle higher education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- U36Graduates, medium-cycle higher education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- U17Enrolled, bachelor education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- UDDAKT60Educational activity at bachelor educations by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex and status (2005-2023)
- U27Entrants, bachelor students by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- U37Graduates, bachelor education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- U18Enrolled, long cycle higher education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- UDDAKT70Educational activity at long cycle higher educations by education, age, ancestry, national origin, sex and status (2005-2023)
- U28Entrants, long-cycle higher education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- U38Graduates, long cycle higher education by education, age, ancestry, national origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2014)
- LABY52The average distance to higher education by municipality groups and education (2008-2021)
- 20137PhD programmes
- PHD1Entrants, doctorate students by main areas and sex (1996-2023)
- PHD2Graduate, doctorate students by main areas and sex (1996-2023)
- PHD3Stock of doctorate students by main areas and sex (1996-2023)
- 20335Exchange students
- UDVSTD01Exchange students by sex, exchange, length of residence, education and area (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2014)
- UDVSTD02Student exchange programs by sex, exchange, length of residence, education and area (2010-2023)
- 20336Number of students in educational institutions
- INST01Basic schools by status, institution, education, ancestry and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- INST10Educational activity in basic schools by status, institution, education, ancestry and sex (2005-2023)
- INST02General upper secondary school by status, institution, education, ancestry and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- INST11Educational activity in general upper secondary school by status, institution, education, ancestry and sex (2005-2023)
- INST03Vocational upper secondary school by status, institution, education, ancestry and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- INST12Educational activity at vocational upper secondary schools by status, institution, education, ancestry and sex (2005-2023)
- INST04Social and health school by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- INST05Vocational institutions by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- INST15Educational activity at vocational institutions by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (2005-2023)
- INST16Educational activity at business academy by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (2005-2023)
- INST06Business academy by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- INST07Medium-cycle higher educational institutions by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- INST17Educational activity at medium-cycle higher educational institutions by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (2005-2023)
- INST18Educational activity at maritime education institutions by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (2005-2023)
- INST19Educational activity at police and defense education institutions by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (2005-2023)
- INST08Universities by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- INST20Educational activity at universities by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (2005-2023)
- INST25Educational activity at cultural educational institutions by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age (2005-2023)
- Educational pathways
- 20142From primary and secondary education to continued education
- FORLOB10From primary and lower secondary school to further education by cohort, school leaving certificate, region district of graduation institutions, educational graduation statement, graduation statement at certain periods, education, sex and ancestry (2022-2023)
- AFGANG11From primary and lower secondary school to further education by Cohort, Final year class, county district of graduation institutions, educational graduation statement, graduation statement at certain periods, education,sex and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2014)
- AFGANG1Primary and lower secondary school to further education by cohort, school leaving certificate, county district of graduation inst., educational graduation statement, graduation statement at certain periods, education, sex and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- FORLOB15From upper secondary education to further education by cohort, school leaving certificate, region district of graduation institutions, educational graduation statement, graduation statement at certain periods, education, sex and ancestry (2022-2023)
- AFGANG21From general upper secondary to further education by cohort, school leaving certificate, county district of graduation institutions, educational graduation statement, graduation statement af certain periods, education, sex and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2014)
- AFGANG2General upper sec. school leaving certificate to further education by Cohort, Final year class county district of graduation inst., educational graduation statement, graduation statement at certain periods, education, sex and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- AFGANG31From vocational upper secondary school leaving certificate to further education by Cohort, Final year class, county district of graduation institutions,educational graduation statement,graduation statement at certain periods, education (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2014)
- AFGANG3Vocational upper sec. school leaving certificate to further ed. by cohort, school leaving certificate, county district of graduation inst., educational graduation statement, graduation statement at certain periods, ed., sex and ancestry(DISCONTINUED) (2004-2005)
- 20337From education to labour market
- OVGARB10From education to further education or employment by end program in the education group, ancestry, sex, educational graduation statement, Status after leaving the education group, graduation statement at certain periods and Age upon leaving a gruoup (2012-2020)
- FORLOB50From vocational education to labour by school leaving certificate, socioeconomic status and graduation statement at certain periods (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2014)
- AFG32TFrom vocational education to labour by school leaving certificate, socioeconomic status and graduation statement at certain periods (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2012)
- AFG33TFrom vocational education to labour by education, region, socioeconomic status, graduation statement at certain periods, sex and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2012)
- FORLOB51From vocational education to labour by region, socioeconomic status, graduation statement at certain periods, sex and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2014)
- 20426Completion of education
- AFGAN111From bachelor to master education (status 2013) by bachelor institution, bachelor education and master level institution (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2014)
- AFGAN211From bacheloreducation to master education (status 2013) by bachelor institution, bachelor education and educational graduation statement (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2014)
- GENMF10Completion of education groups by commenced programme in the education group, ancestry, sex, 1 and 5 year status and age at the start of a group (2008-2023)
- LIGEUB5Completion of education groups by commenced programme in the education group, ancestry, sex, status after 1 and 5 years status and age when joining the group (2008-2023)
- 21121Gender equality indicator, completion of education
- LIGEUI5Gender equality indicator on drop out within 5 years by Start program in the education group, age and ancestry (2008-2018)
- Adult education and continuing training
- 20125Adult education programmes
- VEU20Participation in supplementary courses by field of education (DISCED-15), region, age, sex, points in time and unit (2005-2024)
- KVEU20Participation in supplementary courses by field of education (DDU), region, age, sex, points in time and unit (2005-2023)
- VEUFULF1Persons who have completed a full program in adult education by education, age, sex, ancestry and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2014)
- VEUHEL10Completed adult education by education, age, sex, ancestry and points in time (2005-2023)
- VEUFULF2Persons who have completed a full program in adult education by education, sex, highest education completed, points in time and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2014)
- VEUHEL20Completed adult education by education, sex, highest education completed and points in time (2005-2023)
- AES1AParticipation in adult education (AES) by sex, age, level of education, employment status, urbanity, formal education and non-formal education (2011-2022)
- AES1Participation in adult education (AES) by sex, age, level of education, employment status, urbanity, formal education and non-formal education (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
- AES2Adult education by sex, age, level of education, employment status, urbanity and reason for non-formal education (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
- AES2AAdult education by sex, age, level of education, employment status, urbanity and reason for non-formal education (2011-2022)
- 21122Gender equality indicator, adult education programmes
- LIGEUI2Gender equality indicator on participation in supplementary courses by field of education, age, region, unit and points in time (2005-2024)
- 20886Continual vocational training in enterprises (CVTS)
- CVTS1Continuing education in enterprises by type of continuing education and number of employees (2005-2020)
- CVTS2Enterprises with courses and other forms of continuing education by type of continuing education, sex and number of employees (DISCONTINUED) (2005)
- CVTS3Persons attending courses by sex and number of employees (DISCONTINUED) (2005)
- CVTS4Persons attending continuing education by type of continuing education, sex and number of employees (DISCONTINUED) (2005)
- 20122Folk high schools
- 20931Folk high school courses
- VEU107Participation in supplementary courses by region, field of education, highest education completed, age, sex, ancestry, unit and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2011)
- VEU1Participation in supplementary courses by area, field of education, highest attained education, age, gender, ancestry, unit and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2006)
- VEUGEO1Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, region, age, sex, highest education completed, points in time and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
- VEU10Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, region, age, sex, highest education completed, points in time and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- VEU21Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, highest attained education, age, gender, ancestry, unit and points in time (discontinued) (1996-2011)
- VEU23Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, industry (10-grouping), number of employees, age, sex, unit and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
- VEU22Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, socio-economic classification, age, gender, unit and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2011)
- VEU24Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, degree of unemployment, age, gender, unit and point in time (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2011)
- VEU25Participants in supplementary courses by fields of education, completion type, age, gender, ancestry and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2011)
- VEUHOJ10Participation in long courses at folk high schools by field of education, age, sex, type of institution, points in time and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- VEUHOJ11Participation in long supplementary courses by field of education, age, sex, type of institution, points in time and unit (2005-2024)
- VEUHOEJ1Participation in long courses at folk high schools by field of education, age, sex, type of institution, points in time and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2014)
- VEUHOEJ2Participation in short courses at folk high schools by field of education, age, sex, type of institution, points in time and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2014)
- VEUHOJ15Participation in courses at folk high schools by field of education, length of course, age, sex, unit and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2018)
- VEUHOJ20Participation in short courses at folk high schools by field of education, age, sex, type of institution, points in time and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2017)
- VEUHOJ21Participation in short courses at folk high schools by field of education, age, sex, type of institution, points in time and unit (2011-2024)
- VEUVUC1Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, age, sex, ancestry, points in time and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2014)
- VEUVUC10Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, age, sex, ancestry, points in time and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- VUC2Persons by region, level of education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1979-1998)
- VUC1Participants by profession, region (county), result and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1979-1998)
- VUC3Persons by region (county), level of education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1979-1998)
- VEU31Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, highest education completed, age, sex, ancestry, unit and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2011)
- VEU32Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, socio-economic classification, age, gender, unit and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2011)
- VEU33Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, industries (10-gr), number of employees, age, gender, unit and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
- VEU34Participation in supplementary courses by field of education, degree of unemployment, age, gender, unit and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2011)
- VEU35Participants in supplementary courses by fields of education, completion type, age, gender, ancestry and points in time (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2011)
- VEUAMU1Participants in supplementary courses by field of education, origin, age, sex, highest education completed, points in time and unit(DISCONTINUED) (1996-2014)
- VEUAMU10Participants in supplementary courses by field of education, origin, age, sex, highest education completed, points in time and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- VEUPH10Participants in supplementary courses by education, age, sex, highest education completed, points in time and unit(DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- VEUVIDG1Participants in supplementary courses by education, age, sex, highest education completed, points in time and unit - (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2014)
- VEUVID10Participants in supplementary courses by education, age, sex, highest education completed, points in time and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2017)
- ARBUDParticipants at training opportunities scheme by region, type of education, highest education completed, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1980-1994)
- KONPRIV1Participants in private courses by course organizer and type of course (DISCONTINUED) (1997H1-2009H1)
- 20932Participation at folk high schools
- FOHOJ01Participation at folk high schools by type of course, sex, age, ancestry, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
- FOHOJ02AParticipation at folk high schools medium and long courses by sex, age, educational attainment in the family, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
- FOHOJ02BParticipation at folk high schools medium and long courses by sex, age, equivalent disposable income, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
- FOHOJ03AParticipation at folk high schools short courses by sex, age, highest education completed, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
- FOHOJ03BParticipation at folk high schools short courses by sex, age, personal income, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
- FOHOJ04Participation at folk high schools by type of course, residence province, sex, institution, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
- Research, development and innovation
- 20148Research and development
- 20820Research and development in enterprises
- FORSK01Enterprises expenses for own R&D by industry, sizeclass and region (2007-2022)
- FORSK02Business expenditure on purchased R&D by industry - sizeclass - region and type of supplier (2007-2022)
- FORSK110Enterprises financing of expenses for own R&D by industry - sizeclass - region and source of funding (2013-2021)
- FORSK112Enterprises expenses for own R&D by industry - sizeclass - region and field of science (2017-2021)
- FORSK111Business financing of expenditure on purchased R&D by industry - sizeclass - region and source of funding (2013-2021)
- FORSK114R&D full-time employees in enterprises by industry - sizeclass - region - type of staff and sex (2013-2022)
- FORSK113R&D-personnel in enterprises by industry - sizeclass - region - type of staff and sex (2013-2022)
- FORSK09Enterprises operating costs for R&D by industry - sizeclass - region and research type (2013-2021)
- 20821Research and development in government sector
- FOUOFF01R&D personel in public sector by sector research institutions, field of science, category of staff and sex (2007-2022)
- FOUOFF02R&D man-year in public sector by sector research institutions, field of science, category of staff and sex (2007-2022)
- FOUOFF03R&D full-time employees in public sector by purpose and field of science (2007-2022)
- FOUOFF04R&D full-time employees (per cent) by purpose and sector research institutions (2007-2022)
- FOUOFF05R&D expenses in public sector by strategic areas and type of expense (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2020)
- FOUOFF06R&D-employees by personnel at institutes in higher education sector by institution and positions category (2007-2022)
- FOUOFF07R&D-expenses in public sector by subject and type of expense (2007-2022)
- FOUOFF08Number of R&D-employees in public sector by subject (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
- FOUOFF09External funding of R&D by sector, field of science and source of funding (2007-2022)
- 20822Central government budget for research and development
- FOUBUDGovernment Budget for Appropriations or Outlays for R&D by grant-awarding organizations and price unit (2001-2024)
- FOUBUD1Central Government appropriations for R&D by socio-economic objectives, sector and type of appropriation (2007-2024)
- FOUBUD2Central Government appropriations for R&D by ministry and sector (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
- FOUBUD4Central Government appropriations for R&D by sector and type of appropriation; fixed prices, mil DKK (2007-2027)
- FOUBUD5Central Government appropriations for R&D by socio-economic objectives and type of appropriation; fixed prices. DKK million (2007-2027)
- FORSK03R&D-personel in enterprises by industry, sizeclass, region, type of staff and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
- FORSK04R&D-personel (researchers) in enterprises by industry, sizeclass, region, ph.d.-degree and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
- FORSK05R&D full-time employees in enterprises by industry, sizeclass, region, type of staff and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
- FORSK06R&D full-time employees (researchers) in enterprises by industry - sizeclass - region etc., type of staff and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
- FORSK07Enterprises own R&D expenses by industry - sizeclass, region and end product (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
- FORSK08Enterprises R&D expenses by industry, sizeclass, region and expenses by end product (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
- FOUIT01Expenses for R&D in ICT by sector research institutions and price unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
- FOUIT02Head count and full time equivalence in R&D in ICT by sector research institutions and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
- CFA82Shares of businesses with innovation expenditures by region (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2007)
- CFA41Purchased expenditure on Research and Development by main industries (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- CFA43Purchased expenditure on Research and Development by size groups (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- CFA51Man-years involved in Research and Development by type of institution (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2007)
- CFA52Man-years involved in Research and Development by main areas (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- CFA53Man-years involved in Research and Development by type of research (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- CFA54Man-years involved in Research and Development by category of staff (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- CFA62Expenditure on Research and Development by main areas (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
- CFA94Share of businesses with innovation that primarily develop these internally, for the different innovation types (DISCONTINUED) (2004:2006-2005:2007)
- CFA93Shares of innovative businesses by type of innovation (DISCONTINUED) (2004:2006-2005:2007)
- CFA92Businesses that have been engaged in product- or process innovation by size groups (DISCONTINUED) (2000:2002-2005:2007)
- CFA91Share of product- or process-innovative businesses by main industries (DISCONTINUED) (2000:2002-2005:2007)
- CFA71Expenditure on Research and Development by county council district (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2006)
- FOUUDL01Enterprises by type of enterprise and R&D activity (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2012)
- FOUUDL02Employed persons with R&D-tasks by type of enterprise and geographical location of foreign affiliate (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2011)
- FOUUDL03R&D full-time employees by type of enterprise and type of staff (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2012)
- 20819Research and development (all sectors)
- CFABNPResearch and Development costs in per cent of GDP (1997-2022)
- RDCE01R&D costs by sector and financing source (2008-2022)
- RDCE02Financing of R&D from abroad by sector and source of funding (2007-2022)
- RDCE03Expenses to R&D by sector and type of expense (2009-2022)
- RDCE042Expenses to R&D by sector and research type (2009-2022)
- RDCE05Expenses to R&D by sector and field of research and developement (2008-2022)
- RDCE06Government expenses to R&D by socio-economic objective (2008-2022)
- RDCP0129R&D employees by sector, sex, type of staff and full-time equivalents and personnel (2008-2022)
- 20150Innovation and patents
- OIN01DKInnovative workplaces in the public sector by government - sector and type of innovation (2016-2023)
- OIN02DKInnovative workplaces in the public sector by government - sector and degree of novelty (2016-2023)
- OIN03DKInnovative workplaces in the public sector by government - sector and initiator (2016-2023)
- OIN04DKInnovative workplaces in the public sector by government - sector and obtained values (2016-2023)
- INN11Enterprises expenses for own R&D by industry and sizeclass, region and type of expenses (DISCONTINUED) (2018)
- INN21Enterprises expenses for own R&D by industry and sizeclass, region and type of expenses (2020-2022)
- INN01Enterprises expenses for own R&D by industry, sizeclass, region and type of cost (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- INN12Innovative enterprises by industry and sizeclass, region and type of innovation (DISCONTINUED) (2018)
- INN22Innovative enterprises by industry and sizeclass, region and type of innovation (2020-2022)
- INN02Innovative enterprises by industry, sizeclass, region and type of innovation (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- INN03Primary developer of product innovations by industry, sizeclass, region and type of company (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
- INN23Product innovative enterprises by industry and sizeclass, region and product innovation type (2020-2022)
- INN13Product innovative enterprises by industry and sizeclass, region and product innovation type (DISCONTINUED) (2018)
- INN04Product innovative enterprises by industry, sizeclass, region and type of product innovation (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- INN05Productinnovative enterprises turnover from goods and services by industry, sizeclass, region and degree of novelty (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- INN14Procesinnovative enterprises by industry and sizeclass, region and proces innovation type (DISCONTINUED) (2018)
- INN24Procesinnovative enterprises by industry and sizeclass, region and proces innovation type (2020-2022)
- INN06Procesinnovative enterprises by industry, sizeclass, region and procesinnovation (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- INN07Primary developer of process innovations by industry, sizeclass, region and procesinnovation (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
- INN09Innovative enterprises with innovation cooperation by industry, sizeclass, region and cooperation concerning innovation activities (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- INN25Enterprises by industry and sizeclass, region and cooperation subject (2020-2022)
- INN15Enterprises by industry and sizeclass, region and cooperation subject (DISCONTINUED) (2018)
- OIN01DKXInnovative workplaces in the public sector by government - sector- size class and type of innovation (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
- OIN02DKXInnovative workplaces in the public sector by government - sector- size class and degree of novelty (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
- OIN03DKXInnovative workplaces in the public sector by government - sector- size class and initiator (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
- OIN04DKXInnovative workplaces in the public sector by government - sector- size class and obtained values (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
- 20076Patents
- IPR1Enterprises, who have traded in IPR by Resource area (type of activity), IPR-category and Type of IPR-trade (2007-2017)
- IPR2Enterprises, who have traded in IPR by size class, IPR-category and Type of IPR-trade (2007-2017)
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